Example sentences of "turn to the next [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I turn to the next document on the tag and suddenly I am in a quite different and entirely familiar landscape of calm , double-spaced , wide-margined , cleanly typed Government A4 .
2 I turn to the next document on the tag .
3 : It was decided to investigate each parameter in succession , i.e. to investigate one , find the optimum , set this as the default , and then turn to the next parameter .
4 Now the consequence of the fact that the dollar end of June er relatively strong at around one sixty of course did impinge on er our er borrowings since we do have a considerable percentage of our gross in dollar terms and if we turn to the next slide er we can see er the summary of the balance sheet at thirtieth of June .
5 Let's bear them in mind while we turn to the next step in choosing .
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