Example sentences of "bringing [pron] [adv] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Just my personal assistant bringing me up to date on some business matters , ’ he added dismissively as he walked over to the other side of the bed , picking up his slim gold watch from a small table .
2 Gently , making fun of me a little bit , bringing me back to earth .
3 ‘ Perhaps you could help Cook to wash up , ’ she suggested , bringing me down to earth with a bang .
4 He kissed her wet lips , warmly , tenderly , bringing them back to life , and she was lost in her love for him and his for her and she really did n't care if they never talked again .
5 When they were n't running across it , cheered on by the headmaster , they were snipping bits off it and bringing them back to school to put in jars .
6 I 'm just bringing you up to date really , they 've actually er resisted quite violently towards the reacted quite violently towards the erm price increase and er we 've erm just sent them back , Peter 's just writing a letter so there 'll be a letter coming in
7 ‘ You keep bringing everything back to money . ’
8 She snuggled down and began to drift to sleep , memories of Alain holding her here as she wept on that first day , memories of him bringing her up to bed after he had kissed her in the kitchen , fluttering like moths in the light , easing her into sleep .
9 ‘ Once she 's recovered , you will be bringing her back to Lomond View ? ’
10 And it should be noted that the actual breaking point for Raskolnikov in the novel is the illness which induces his apocalyptic science-fiction nightmare of germs and Possessed -type madness and destruction , bringing him literally to Sonya 's feet and both of them to ‘ the dawn of a new future , of a full resurrection into a new life ’ which will be the subject of another story .
11 This leads naturally to the splendid definitions of love in chapter ten as Rolle anticipates the disciple bringing him down to earth with a question : " You talk a great deal about love but what is it ?
12 In bringing it up to date and making it profitable , he had to tread warily , for although it was made up of land and property , it was essentially about people .
13 If making it more fun is bringing it up to date then I 'm all in favour
14 We knew that they were testing them , and checking it over and bringing it up to standard , but we did n't know anything about it other than that !
15 The Menlo Park , California company also has a new release of its native C++ compiler , bringing it up to Version 3.0 compatibility , and will be announcing the availability dates for Solaris 2 .
16 It also has a new release of its native C++ compiler , bringing it up to Version 3.0 compatibility , and will be announcing the availability dates for Solaris 2. x products .
17 Flash floods in October tore away supporting concrete panels from the base of the Mojkovac dam , bringing it close to collapse .
18 Flash floods in October 1992 had torn away supporting concrete panels from the base of the dam , bringing it close to collapse and threatening the release of 3.5 million tonnes of water containing harmful levels of heavy metals from nearby mines [ see ED 65/66 ] .
19 This , however , is not the thinking — and it may be presumptuous — that moved BBC2 to hit us between the frontal lobes with Jonathan Miller 's states of mind ( 20 February ) , a series that will march on for 15 weeks in the cause of bringing us up to date with what is happening in psychology .
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