Example sentences of "defined as the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 An opportunity cost can be defined as the cost of the next best opportunity forgone .
2 Protestant politicians resist such restraints as impediments to democracy , defined as the will of the majority .
3 National competitiveness — if that is defined as the ability of a country 's firms to compete in world markets , whether through export or overseas production — may be more important , at least to businessmen .
4 Weathering can be defined as the adjustment of the chemical , mineralogical and physical properties of rocks in response to environmental conditions prevailing at the Earth 's surface .
5 The role of the preposition has been described in the following way : The preposition can therefore be quite accurately defined as the type of word which is already predestined in tongue to intervene in discourse between two words separated by an interval which is not covered by a mechanism of incidence in operation …
6 a definition of the concept of a valuation , using such wording as : ‘ Fair market value is defined as the price at which shares would change hands between a willing buyer and a willing seller , neither being under compulsion to buy or sell , and both having reasonable knowledge of relevant facts and market conditions at the time . ’ ;
7 The locus of competition may change over time ; however , in general the interest cost , gross of fees , may be defined as the price of a eurobond issue to the borrower , and is the continuing obligation in relation to the bond issue .
8 The supply of labour can be defined as the quantity of labour services ( measured in person-hours ) offered for hire by individuals over a given time period .
9 The shoulder angle is simply defined as the angle between the upper arm and the torso when viewed from the front .
10 ( The wealth effect may be defined as the change in spending on goods and services which results from a change in the real value of financial assets . )
11 The prevalence of chronic radiation enteritis , defined as the persistence of symptoms beyond 3 months of the completion of radiation treatment , is , however , uncrtain .
12 The areal interpolation problem can be defined as the transfer of data from one set ( source units or zones ) to a second set ( target units ) of overlapping , non-hierarchical areal units .
13 As a case , therefore , for the extension of industrial democracy defined as the kind of consultation practised , the worker-participation sought by good personnel management , it is to be applauded .
14 Taste is then seen principally as the cause of ‘ classism ’ , which can be defined as the kind of distaste the middle and upper classes feel for the vulgar in fun fairs , cheap commodities , artificial copies , or lack of style , and the contempt working people feel for the pretentious , cold and degenerate middle and upper classes .
15 First , if the enterprise is defined as the unit of legal ownership then it is clear that enterprises may comprise a number of operating units , plants , sales outlets and so on .
16 We now see that the intermittency factor is most appropriately defined as the fraction of the time that vorticity fluctuations are occurring .
17 The intermittency factor , defined as the fraction of the time that the fluctuations are chaotic , varies continuously across the transition zone from 0 at the ordered side to 1 at the fully chaotic side .
18 For being is always defined as the appropriation of either difference into identity , or of identities into a greater order , be it absolute knowledge , History , or the state .
19 Under the Treaty of Rome its powers were defined as the supervision of both the Commission and the Council of Ministers , including the right to put questions to the Commission and to discuss the latter 's annual report , to discharge the annual budget , and to censure the Commission .
20 Radiographic pneumonia was defined as the presence of an alveolar or interstitial infiltrate in a chest radiograph .
21 Diffuse oesophageal spasm was defined as the presence of greater than 10% but less than 100% simultaneous contractions .
22 Legislation might be defined as the making of general rules to govern future conduct ; under this definition , Public Acts of Parliament are the central case of legislation .
23 Market segmentation , therefore , can be defined as the subdivision of a market into identifiable buyer-groups , or submarkets , with the aim of reaching such groups with a particular marketing mix .
24 It should be noted , however , that this method does not produce a true ellipse , which is defined as the locus of a point constrained to move so that the sum of its distance from two fixed points is constant .
25 A grapheme is here defined as the way in which a phoneme is represented in print .
26 International law can be defined as the framework of legal obligations which states view as being binding upon themselves .
27 The longer a person ( here defined as the head of the household ) is unemployed , the more likely it is that he or she will belong to the general labourer or other occupational groups .
28 In a study of the research output of UK universities , Irvine used an Activity Index , a technique developed by Carpenter & Narin ; defined as the percentage of a university 's total published output within each research field , divided by the overall percentage of all university-originated papers in that field ; and a Total Influence measure , defined as the product of the numbers of papers , their average influence ( impact factor ) , and the percentage of papers with influence .
29 Sensitivity was defined as the frequency of a positive test in all subjects with H pylori infection , and specificity was the frequency of a negative test in those without the infection .
30 The future state can be defined as the vision for the organization or the strategic objectives of the change .
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