Example sentences of "closely [verb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At this village north of St Austell is the Wheal Martyn China Clay Works , now preserved as an open-air museum of the industry that brought prosperity to this part of Cornwall from the mid-eighteenth century , when William Cookworthy , a Plymouth Quaker and apothecary , discovered kaolin , the chief ingredient of porcelain , which had been a secret closely guarded by the Chinese for over a thousand years .
2 FIG. 1 The antibody to the pax[b] protein recognizes two polypeptides that closely correspond to the alternate splicing products of the pax[b] gene .
3 Richly-decorated Saloon Bars more closely approximate to the modern idea of a Victorian pub .
4 The early proponents of the explanatory survey felt that they could , through the logic of variable analysis , closely approximate to the experimental model using non-experimental data and , through the patient accumulation of findings discover law-like relationships about the nature and processes of social life .
5 The maker hand-cuts the kerfing ( the triangular-section strip around the inside edge that increases the gluing area of the sides for securing the front and back ) so that the saw-cuts are widely spaced in some areas and closely spaced around the tight curves of the cutaway .
6 The T and G is a weathervane union closely connected to the Labour Party leadership .
7 Erm I think the bad news for the honourable member from Stafford is that er Messier Herman is in fact a member of the European peoples party and no doubt no the honourable member with great respect , said that he was a Christian democrat and he 's also a member of the European Peoples party and therefore I hope that the honourable member for Stafford will take that up with his Conservative colleagues , who are very closely connected to the European peoples party , because I hopefully have made clear earlier in my remarks .
8 These interpersonal skills are closely connected to the necessary management skills , especially when the assessing practitioner meets conflicting opinions , conflict of interest or simply conflict between individuals .
9 And the reasons , while many , are closely connected to the watering- down of any specifically religious content to a safe Highest Common Factor .
10 The second lecture , closely connected with the first and , like the first , closing with a portentous allusion to contemporary music drama , was given at the beginning of February , and dealt with the mysterious " death " of tragedy at the end of the fifth century .
11 Neither scholar had , strictly , gone through the stages necessary to qualify him for a mevleviyet , but the former was closely connected with the Grand Vezir Rustem Pasa , the latter with Sehzade Selim , later Sultan Selim 11 .
12 His swearing in by Mr Husak will bring together the two opposite poles of Czechoslovak politics — the unyielding dissident and the man most closely connected with the hard-line Communist regime that followed the Soviet-led 1968 invasion .
13 Usually teachers can expect detailed ( possibly too detailed ) help in English and Mathematics and sometimes also in Science and Religious Education , but often far less in local languages , Social Studies and cultural subjects , significantly enough , those subjects which are most closely connected with the local environment .
14 This is because the area of the brain associated with smell is very closely connected with the limbic area of the brain which is concerned with our most subtle responses such as emotion , memory , sex-drive and intuition .
15 Quedlinburg is now an unimportant town in the formerly East German Land of Sachsen-Anhalt , but it had its decades of glory in the early Middle Ages when it was closely connected with the German imperial court .
16 The rise of the Nevilles and the Percies in the late fourteenth century was the first occasion when families of genuine northern origin came into the front rank of the nobility — one may exclude the duchy of Lancaster from any such comment , because it was closely connected with the royal family and also held substantial lands in the Midlands and the South .
17 Finland was more closely incorporated into the central administration , losing the privilege of being a separate Grand Duchy .
18 Commerce can be seen to be more closely regulated from the late seventh and eighth centuries onwards in the form of manufacturing and trading centres ( Hodges 1982a ) , although these certainly do not necessarily imply free trade ; in fact , quite the opposite , for the evidence from Saxon Southampton , Hamwic , indicates that the craftsman there were as tied and organised as the rural ‘ peasantry ’ .
19 It was more closely mapped in the new Regulations for Further Education in 1946 , with Local Education Authorities given responsibility for initiatives in conjunction with the universities and voluntary bodies .
20 The reliability approach can be made more elaborate ; in some ways it is closely related to the causal approach considered next , because we are clearly owed an account of what reliability is , and a causal answer is tempting ( see , e.g. , Goldman , 1979 ) .
21 Darwin himself contributed to this trend by bringing back fossils from the voyage of the Beagle showing that the past inhabitants of South America were closely related to the modern ones .
22 A school offers a complex , officially recognized and indeed officially defined progress , closely related to the official theory of the school as a place for learning .
23 Also known as clurican , these merry folk are closely related to the Irish LEPRECHAUN .
24 The beluga is closely related to the narwhal , and both are found mainly in the cold northern waters of Canada , Alaska , and the USSR .
25 This finding is closely related to the frequent problem caused by the radiological and endoscopical diagnosis of a ‘ small hiatal hernia ’ .
26 Thus , it seems that this ‘ downturn ’ in satisfaction is closely related to the perceived onset of the ageing process .
27 No other form of cancer has been found to be more closely related to the Western way of life and the Western way of eating .
28 These variations between arts are important in themselves and also as a reminder that the social relations of artists are closely related to the technical means of production of each specific art .
29 The subject-matter is much more closely related to the actual business of judicial decision-making and so to the ideology and practice of particular systems of civil procedure .
30 The piece is very closely related to the other two pieces that he did for flute and clarinet .
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