Example sentences of "to avoid [v-ing] [art] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Since transmission is largely on a foal-to-foal basis it is good policy to avoid using the same paddocks for nursing mares and their foals in successive years .
2 Many vignerons , however , will wait until the fourth or fifth year to avoid over-straining the young vines , which in turn will ensure a longer and more productive life .
3 For example , both would appear to be better served by a contract which gave A £100 or £500 , hence B — £100 or £1500 ( this has not been drawn in , to avoid obscuring the main points of the figure ) .
4 ‘ We have to avoid pushing the armed forces towards the most extreme right-wing sectors of the country , ’ says Mr Villalobos , the most pragmatic of the FMLN commanders .
5 The young men holding office were still tactful , and even complicity helped people to avoid saying the wrong things ; but they spoke with the authority of government , and informed their elders of the facts of cases and the truths of matters .
6 For example , you mentioned the need for public liability insurance , so I went ahead and arranged that ; I also had signs made saying ‘ Caution : Work in Progress ’ , as you recommended ; I took care to explain to the volunteers to avoid disturbing the kicking stones , and to avoid making heaps of spoil so as not to impede the grass cutter .
7 Like most things in gliding this takes practice and experience if you are going to avoid losing a thousand feet or more trying to take the picture of your turning point .
8 Clouds of smoke billowed out so the teams crouched down to avoid inhaling the poisonous fumes .
9 The draftsman should , therefore , consider whether to impose on the tenant a limit to the number of persons who may be employed in the demised property in order to avoid overloading the available facilities .
10 Many campaigners feel that chimps for scientific purposes should be bred in captivity , to avoid draining the wild resources .
11 I watched a girl in front of me trying to hop from one patch to another so as to avoid ducking the two strips of leather somebody had sold her as shoes .
12 Cultivations , with a two-to five-year rotation in many areas , attempt to leave the inverted turf fairly intact and are relatively shallow , to avoid exposing the loose subsoils to wind erosion .
13 This could be done by heating it ( although it would be difficult to avoid heating the other layers as well ) , but the layer reacts more quickly if an applied voltage between s1 and s2 rapidly increases the power density inside the material .
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