Example sentences of "turning a [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They may display their feelings by refusing to eat , and turning a deaf ear to anyone who calls their name .
2 The apostle here gives two very clear and very solemn warnings about rejecting Jesus , about turning a deaf ear to him .
3 Which face was now turning a pleased smile towards Alice .
4 ‘ Only a fool would risk that gatehouse , ’ she said , turning a haughty shoulder on de Raimes .
5 What I do love is landscaping , planting trees , turning a bare patch into a park .
6 But , though it is heartening to find an Iranian writer bravely grappling with the problems of exile and turning a critical eye on the values of both his native and adopted countries , Mr Ataie will write better plays when he admits the theatrical importance of contradiction and argument .
7 But women clearly found ways of turning a restrictive garment into an alluring fashion : the surviving representations of the stola show it as a revealing slip , cut low between the breasts and often suspended from the slimmest of decorative straps .
8 Sims 's smile had gone a little rueful and he was looking down at his hands , turning a gold-tipped cigarette in his small fingers .
9 But the Loyalist Prisoners ' Welfare Association chairman , Jim McDonald , accused the prison authorities of turning a peaceful protest into ‘ bloody carnage . ’
10 Is it not also about turning a caring service into a business ?
11 The man had to be supported by Wakelate 's arm ; he appeared almost witless with grief , turning a wide-brimmed hat in his hands .
12 A policy of raising the wages of the lowest paid , first on an industry basis , and then over the whole country , for this approach to be part of an overall investment and training programme , and for the whole strategy to appear as part of an election manifesto , would provide consumers with the chance of turning a moral decision into an economic reality .
13 The grapes that hung over mine host 's door were turning a dusky shade as the juice ripened in their skins .
14 She was standing at the gas-stove , turning a plucked chicken over the flames to singe away the tiny feathers left behind in the skin .
16 The processing of food , for example turning a whole potato into chips , almost always lowers its fibre content and increases its fat content .
17 The day before the Sale Arthur Crawford arrived with his plants for the Sale , suddenly as if by magic , turning a whole section of the pews into a beautiful living garden — perhaps the most appropriate way of all to support this particular cause ?
18 AT&T 's managers have been disappointed to find the unions turning a clean sweep of the committees into a test of the company 's good faith .
19 Turning a glowing face to her companion , Luce exclaimed , ‘ Are n't they wonderful ? ’
20 Turning a scornful look upon the gipsy spokesman , he said , ‘ What you are suggesting is quite preposterous .
21 ‘ There is a man who lives in this vale , ’ Crump said bitterly , turning a hard face to Hope , whose notion about the murder underwent a radical revision : Crump would be no willing accomplice in his own end .
22 He seems to be obsessed with investing every penny , while at the same time turning a blind eye to the needs of his growing family .
23 Their attempts to impose conditions on a man like Henry VIII only show how far , in the initial stages , they were turning a blind eye to the implications of their policy .
24 Significantly , farmers — generally reliable Tory supporters — are blaming the Government for the sins of Brussels and appear to be turning a blind eye to the Liberal Democrats ' pro-European stance .
25 It worries me that turning a blind eye to the deliberate starvation of these patients is portrayed as contributing in some way to the high ethical standards of the nursing profession . ’
26 It can sometimes mislead people who perceive clearly the fallacies the metaphor invites and therefore reject it altogether , turning a blind eye to the true insight it encapsulates .
27 turning a blind eye to harassment of you by your colleagues ;
28 There is no question of the SFA turning a blind eye to the incident …
29 The process of idealizing one 's partner , turning a blind eye to faults or discrepancies between what is and what is desired , can perform a useful function .
30 Julia Bard ( ‘ The priests have it ’ , 1 May ) rebukes anti-racists for turning a blind eye to religious fundamentalism , and cites a recent issue of the Runnymede Trust Bulletin to illustrate her argument .
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