Example sentences of "partly because [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed it is ironic that the weaker regions of a country tend to " catch-up " most in times of expansion , and yet it is partly because of the regional differences that inflationary pressures emerge and induce policies which prevent further gains .
2 I believe I did n't get gay-bashed partly because of the heterosexual relationship and partly because no one took my sexuality seriously because I was blind , and obviously did n't know what badge I was wearing .
3 Its specialist , academic , authoritarian elements have been persistently criticized , partly because they ignored progressives ' demands for children 's activity , participation and development through discovery , and partly because of the perceived irrelevance of this education to the lives of working-class children , the majority of whom have failed to benefit from it .
4 Additional notions derived from ‘ western ’ , or rather ‘ northern ’ medicine have been grafted onto the original syncretization , partly because of the relentless propaganda war waged by the pharmaceutical companies and partly through vaccination campaigns and health promotion programmes .
5 This is partly because of the increasing importance of employment in the service sector , much of it geared to regional and local markets and client groups , but it also has much to do with the particular circumstances of the 1980s .
6 This degree of modification comes about partly because of the greater degree of digestion in mammalian carnivores compared with the regurgitated remains from avian predators , and partly because of their use of teeth to break up prey before digestion .
7 According to Broadview , services companies in the UK tend to be more highly valued than their US counterparts , partly because of the greater demand for bespoke development here .
8 The university list is longer than the polytechnic/college one partly because of the greater range of degrees , and partly because of the greater number of more specialized degrees in the universities , although it should be remembered that specialized patterns of options may exist within broad degree programmes .
9 The university list is longer than the polytechnic/college one partly because of the greater range of degrees , and partly because of the greater number of more specialized degrees in the universities , although it should be remembered that specialized patterns of options may exist within broad degree programmes .
10 Although the research reviewed below indicates some of the approaches made to these problems many difficulties still remain , partly because of the rich and sometimes ambiguous nature of art itself but also because of the value that is placed upon the validity of individual response in these areas .
11 Most significantly , the persuasive interview techniques which used to be a feature of most interrogations have been abandoned partly because of the new requirement that there should be a verbatim contemporaneous record of every interview .
12 He had immense difficulties to overcome , partly because of the average Englishman 's prejudice against foreigners ( especially perhaps the French ) and partly because of the then prejudice of society against a science — veterinary medicine — which was not yet established as respectable .
13 American tourist numbers dropped dramatically after the Gulf War but were starting to pick up again , Mr Robson said , partly because of the devalued pound .
14 Partly it is changing because women are getting more familiar with the industrial scene and partly because of the tremendous impact and influence of the strike at Grunwick Photoprocessing .
15 This has proved impossible , partly because of the wide variations in need imposed by disparate rents , and partly because of the steady rise in the cost of living .
16 Once they had settled in the Balkans they also became separated from each other , partly because of the geographical obstacles to easy movement within the peninsula , and partly because of the historical circumstances of foreign occupations .
17 Her work was in eclipse for most of the twentieth century , partly because of the disparaging account of her in Beatrice Webb 's diaries ( ‘ the little woman ’ ) , and partly because of her association with a subsequently discredited school of ‘ social economics ’ .
18 This is partly because of the great competition brought about by the flood of new records over the past two years which has prompted the major record companies to reissue at mid-price ( and sometimes in the bargain range ) many of the first generation of digital records made in the early 1980s .
19 ENGLISH law governing remedies for interference with goods is exceedingly technical , partly because of the long survival and overlap of a number of different heads of liability and partly because the law , though tortious in form , is largely proprietary in function .
20 Partly for this reason and partly because of the inherent complexity the partnership agreement itself will rarely include ( at any rate in its main body ) a breakdown of the chosen management structures in full detail , though where a decision is taken on a matter of principle ( eg what matters require the unanimous approval of the partners , how a senior partner should be chosen , etc ) the partnership agreement is the logical place for it to be recorded .
21 Businessmen are now so convinced of the need to have a well-trained workforce — partly because of persistent skills shortages and partly because of the evangelising work of the TECs themselves — that they will cut almost anything before they cut their training budgets .
22 In the British population 70 year old men are on average about 4 cm shorter than 40 year old men , partly because of the general increase in adult height since the 1930s .
23 Many gardeners — and visitors — are getting younger , partly because of the current ecological obsession and also because gardens are often seen as an extension of the living room .
24 This was achieved partly because of the beneficial effect of devaluation on overseas income for three months , it explains , but also because the directors have been largely successful in avoiding companies which have been forced to cut their dividends in the recession .
25 Partly because of the volume of this response and partly because of the radical nature of some of these proposals , going well beyond those envisaged in Partnership in Validation , the CNAA has allowed a few of the suggested procedures to be tried out on an experimental basis and while this is happening has virtually declared a moratorium on other ‘ special arrangement ’ proposals .
26 The learning process for Composers Pen is quite a lengthy one , partly because of the complex ground that it covers , but do not be put off by this as the effort expended will be more than worth it in the end .
27 The report claimed that the Code of Guidance which accompanied the Registered Homes Act of 1984 was not being applied , partly because of lack of resources and partly because of the restricted power of local authorities .
28 Many workers were also worried that the community care proposals would lead to de-skilling , partly because of the increased use of non-professional helpers and partly because care packages would concentrate on practical help with a lower value being placed on the less quantifiable aspects of social work support .
29 Organisms differ , partly because of the varying impact of the environment in their lifetime ( ‘ nurture ’ ) , and partly because of differences between the genes present in the fertilized eggs from which they developed ( ‘ nature ’ ) .
30 This is partly due to higher rates and premises costs and to the London weighting in salaries , and partly because of the extra demands placed on the education service by inner-city characteristics , such as high unemployment , widespread poverty and a greater diversity of cultures and languages .
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