Example sentences of "met in [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For the first few years the Sunday School met in a private house , possibly that of a Mr Thomas Leathem .
2 ‘ He 's the most charming man I 've met in a long time . ’
3 ‘ You are the most frustrating piece of womanhood I 've met in a long time , ’ he rasped .
4 She unfastened her own belt , and as her arms wound about his neck their lips met in a long kiss .
5 In looking at future development the service providers must address the geographic problems that can occur and also the duration of provision ( days , hours , weekends etc ) and consider whether these can best be met in a joint planning context .
6 Such needs would be met in a new system written today through the use of fourth generation languages and their user-friendly report generators .
7 Eyes closed , their mouths met in a lingering caress — and all Diana 's dreams came true .
8 They escaped the reaction of state authority , unlike the radicals of 1793–4 , because they did not pose a direct constitutional challenge , were composed of representatives primarily of the provincial , nonconformist middle and business classes and met in a political context judged less threatening by the authorities .
9 Rumour had it that my father and mother met in a Methodist Chapel where both were in the choir .
10 SOC was formed when a dozen outdoor enthusiasts met in a back room of the Oak Tree pub in Richmond .
11 The may maybe I just comment on that that last that last point , which as I understand it it the the justification for a new settlement is brought about solely by increasing the requirement for Greater York to twelve thousand seven hundred , going through those figures there seems to me , for instance , for both Ryedale and Selby to be more provision than could be met in a single settlement , I I think the the figures put forward by Barton Willmore are more than can be met in existing allocations and a single new settlement of a reasonable size .
12 It was as if two distant times had suddenly met in a single second and two different women in a single gesture .
13 In return for the confederation 's agreement to work within the system , however , its demands were largely met in a national address by President Denis Sassou-Nguesso on Sept. 16 , and the congress formally concluded on Sept. 18 .
14 Alternatively , Organisational processes such as " value analysis " may have shown that the specific requirement can be met in a different way , this alternative being either cheaper or offering better value for money .
15 Information services were maintained and increased demand from the UK and overseas met in a difficult year .
16 Society has accepted responsibility for seeing that their needs are met in a piecemeal fashion , tackling the most obvious needs first — those for financial provision , medical care and residential accommodation .
17 The newly elected National Assembly met in a ceremonial opening session on July 10 at Veliko Turnovo , the northern town where modern Bulgaria 's first parliament had convened in 1879 .
18 Unit provision should enable pupils to have their special needs met in an individual way whilst they are benefiting from the environment of an ordinary school .
19 The LEA considered that the child 's needs could be met in an ordinary school and that no statement was necessary .
20 Round her the abysses of sky and sea met in an unattainable frontier .
21 I look at a photograph of my father still in uniform , taken at Loch Lomond before he was demobbed , as he stands smiling between his younger brother and the English friend he had met in an Italian POW camp .
22 In the I 9605 , the curriculum development tide carried all before it ; programmed learners and audio-visual enthusiasts met in the general activity of rethinking methods and redesigning curricula .
23 I assaulted this position from every angle , ranging from thoughtful analyses of the male mid-life crisis , its nature and origins , to sweeping ad absurdum dismissals in which I demonstrated that by the same token Trish and Brian were equally culpable , because if they 'd gone out for the day I would have stayed at home and we would never have met in the first place .
24 It is important to note here that although an analysis of individual texts follows , the point of this approach is to provide an overall picture of a pupil 's literary diet across a range of texts met in the lower years of the secondary school .
25 A nicer class of people than what you … what I meet … met in the ordinary way .
26 The main objectives of policy are , first , to enable the demand to be met in the right places , while preventing sites from springing up in the wrong places ; and , second , to allow caravan sites , where permitted , to be established on a permanent or long-term basis , in order to facilitate the provision of proper services and equipment and to allow the occupants reasonable security of tenure .
27 The sixth Inuit Circumpolar Conference , grouping Arctic peoples from Siberian Russia , Greenland , Alaska and Canada , met in the Canadian town of Inuvik , under the slogan " A common future for the Arctic " .
28 That exception was Mr Stratton and Mr Brown , who had met in the Armed Forces .
29 Their need for information is currently met in the following ways :
30 ( We almost always met in the late mornings at his favourite café , always starting the day with a reviving bowl of café au lait , followed by another — and not infrequently another ! )
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