Example sentences of "met [prep] the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 They had met during the early months of the war at the home of Woodcock 's uncle , the Midland Bank manager Fred Elt who , though respectably employed , was something of a Bohemian in his fondness for mistresses and for paintings .
2 all the consultation that also talks about in this paper is met with the two centres , the management committee of Highfields youth and commune centre and also the users of the Moat Centre and I think in light of everything that 's gone on I think it 's substantially a success to stand here and say that we have at least achieved some result and I I formally would welcome the Libs supporting this this afternoon and I 'm grateful for the turn that the Libs have made and in light of er what er Mr the involvement Mr has put in .
3 Following the elections the main pro-military parties met with the leading members of the junta to attempt to form a workable coalition .
4 It is important to note here that although an analysis of individual texts follows , the point of this approach is to provide an overall picture of a pupil 's literary diet across a range of texts met in the lower years of the secondary school .
5 The main objectives of policy are , first , to enable the demand to be met in the right places , while preventing sites from springing up in the wrong places ; and , second , to allow caravan sites , where permitted , to be established on a permanent or long-term basis , in order to facilitate the provision of proper services and equipment and to allow the occupants reasonable security of tenure .
6 That exception was Mr Stratton and Mr Brown , who had met in the Armed Forces .
7 Their need for information is currently met in the following ways :
8 ( We almost always met in the late mornings at his favourite café , always starting the day with a reviving bowl of café au lait , followed by another — and not infrequently another ! )
9 I was in a fever of vicarious excitement , looking at street plans of Florence and trying to remember the name of a boy I 'd met in the Boboli Gardens in 1961 , but friends and relations were wanting to know whether I had really vetted the family , whether I 'd like to hear a selection of au pair horror stories , and whether I 'd made good any gaps in my daughter 's domestic skills .
10 Will the Secretary of State explain how he was able to commission a review of teaching methods in a matter of a few weeks , although his minimum standards — first laid down in 1981 — were not met in the 10 years that the Government allowed themselves , and the current review will not now report until the autumn ?
11 Firstly , in relation to users and carers , the practitioner may well be aware that she is identifying and discussing needs which are unlikely to be met within the current limits and range of available services .
12 Second , the discovery of mineral resources and the consequent development of metallurgical industries in Transbaikal and the Altai demanded more manpower than could be met from the local populations , and hence acted as a loadstone for the attraction of the necessary personnel to work them , in the form of both voluntary and forced labour .
13 From the first day on , when they had met on the wide steps of the strange school , they had loved one another until the last , when they left this school , never to see one another again ; and they never knew that their friendship was love , their love passion .
14 of anything he 'd met on the seven seas .
15 He had raised his glass civilly enough in recognition of Vernon 's presence whenever their eyes had met across the floral displays , and he had always been very effusive if they chanced to meet in the queue for the cloakroom or on the pavement outside the State Restaurant , but he had held his distance in mixed company , had never introduced him , for instance , to Mrs Harcourt .
16 The two women met at the International Women 's Day March , after a break in their friendship of twenty years .
17 The rapid growth of the secondary banking sector meant that unsatisfied demand for credit from the primary banks could be met by the secondary banks ; this sector not being subject to the liquidity ratio requirements .
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