Example sentences of "steps [v-ing] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Looking past Adam , she saw Fand had stopped by another set of steps winding up into the rock .
2 They went round the corner , and the child stopped in front of a flight of steps leading up to a dilapidated house , one of a number in the street .
3 The slope in this new garden is to be terraced around a circular lawn with steps leading up to the higher level .
4 My helpers borrowed an old flatbed truck from a farmer , along with two dozen squared bales of hay which they arranged as steps leading up to the truck .
5 A lot of people in those streets ( they were very poor , but they were very proud ) and on the steps leading up to the house , they 'd have laid a little piece of lino , three pieces or two .
6 Jack had to fill the coal scuttles , Kevin to bring in the logs , Aengus had to roll yesterday 's papers into sausage-like shapes which would be used for lighting the fires later , Gerry , who was meant to be the animal lover , had to take Oswald for a run in the park , and see that there was something on the bird table in the garden , and Ronan had to open the big heavy curtains in the front rooms , take the milk in from the steps and place it in the big fridge and brush whatever had to be brushed from the big granite steps leading up to the house .
7 Whilst on duty one Saturday afternoon during the early part of 1975 , he heard the sound of footsteps ascending the steps leading up to the box , then he became aware of the figure of a man about to enter the lobby or vestibule outside the door .
8 The ground level appeared to be slightly higher than he remembered and there was no sign of the seven semi-circular steps leading up to the front door .
9 Supporters insist nothing would be lost other than a small car park and the steps leading up to the Prado 's ‘ Goya ’ entrance .
10 The village is situated on a very steep hillside with steps leading up to the next row of houses .
11 It was n't until they had climbed the stone steps leading up to the house that she learned the truth of the matter .
12 Even the wooden steps leading up to the door were rotten .
13 When he reached the steps leading up to the front door of the Guild Office , he found the place in darkness , with no sign of life .
14 ‘ Tell me about Jules , ’ he said as they approached the stone steps leading up to the arched doorway into the château .
15 The place was n't huge by country house standards — two storeys , twenty-something rooms — but its main entrance was a covered carriage porch with stone pillars and broad steps leading up to the doors .
16 It was market day and the wide curving flight of steps leading up to the centre was lined with flimsy tables covered in kitchenware and watches and clothing and tools and toys Music blared out from a stall selling bootleg cassette tapes .
17 Asa braked at the foot of broad steps leading up to the front entrance , walls and towers rising above them .
18 Armed soldiers and refugee families were crowded round the foot of the steps leading up to the entry hatch .
19 ’ Athelstan tugged him by the sleeve and they made their way across the deserted bailey to the steps leading up to the parapet walk .
20 She turned towards the shallow stone steps leading out of the square .
21 It has a flight of steps leading down into the depths , and its main feature is a high waterfall that emerges from behind a wedged boulder known as Mohammed 's Coffin .
22 Potted shrubs of sombre green flanked a flight of broad , shallow rockfoam steps leading down to a doorway covered by thick curtains of the darkest purple .
23 When he peeped through the gap he could see the big half-pillars supporting the lintel , the rounded stone steps leading down to the paved walkway and the wilderness of garden beyond .
24 Others flow into a stone tank or pond , or have a brick well-housing , with steps leading down to the water .
25 She had reached the pier now , and , still fighting against the wind , made for the flight of iron steps leading down to the beach .
26 She was at the top of the steps leading down to the front door of the Moebius Strip .
27 The Doctor looked back from the short flight of steps leading down to the entry hall , and watched the TARDIS dematerialize with a feeling of pain at seeing his ship go without him .
28 The slight figure of a woman emerged from the hotel and stood on the steps leading down to the terrace , scanning the tables with anxious eyes and making agitated , jerky movements with her hands .
29 Across the back of the house was a kitchen , a bathroom and a big breakfast room with steps leading down to the back garden .
30 Even her little house was somehow in keeping with this picture , although it was definitely not St John 's Wood and there was no delicate wrought iron balcony with steps leading down to the green garden .
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