Example sentences of "to bring [pers pn] to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Stick foods are greatly loved by Koi and can be used to bring them to the surface
2 Meanwhile we had sent Muhammad Dankali , another of our zabanias , to tell Ahmad , the Somali in charge of our camels , to bring them to the Daro river at the foot of the escarpment .
3 They have to buy these books , which are not cheap , being printed usually in four colours on a lavish scale and accompanied by expensive ‘ hype ’ to bring them to the attention of the public .
4 If the Hon. Gentleman has suggestions , I advise him to bring them to the attention of the Accommodation and Administration Sub-Committee .
5 Many of last year 's group were interested in going to a church service , so this year I have arranged to bring them to the morning service at St. Clements on Sunday , 15th July .
6 However , whilst there is no need to take account of the attributes of a particular contracting partner , if a business contracts with people of a particular class , the steps must be reasonably sufficient to bring the terms to the notice of a member of that class — in Richardson , Spence & Co v Rowntree [ 1894 ] AC 217 , terms on a steamer ticket for carriage in steerage class were not incorporated into a contract because the defendant had taken insufficient steps to bring them to the notice of steerage class passengers .
7 While he was thinking how to do this , he was asked to bring me to the palace .
8 And I remembered our last day together when I 'd promised to bring you to the Peacock theatre and robbed you of your heart 's desire by forcing you into my bed instead .
9 Just as we came into Stranraer Gardens , Mrs Quigley said , ‘ We have worked so hard to bring you to the Lord , Simon !
10 The sound of merriment emanating from the hall jangled her nerves , the sight of the courting couples pressed against the wall was enough to bring her to the edge of tears again .
11 They had lost significance for her yet still had the power to bring her to the verge of tears , reminding her of what they had once meant : of one Easter when the scent had been a gift , of autumn afternoons when she had taken her baby in a pushchair from one to another of the now disappeared junk shops , buying Victorian china , pieces of old lace and old books , looking forward to the future .
12 He spurred forward to Moray 's side , urging him to bring him to the Regent , earls or none .
13 The presbytery having dealt with him to bring him to the conviction of the evil of the said practice did appoint him to be publickly rebuked two several Lord 's days in the Kirk of Kilarrow and Kilmeny .
14 The presbytery having dealt with him to bring him to the conviction of the evil of the said practice did appoint him to be publickly rebuked two several Lord 's days in the Kirk of Kilarrow and Kilmeny .
15 Yesterday , her other son , Gary , 3 , was at home because she has decided never to bring him to the Strand again .
16 At half-ten the ambulance would arrive to bring him to the county home .
17 Mathematical experience may be involved incidentally in many of these activities , but the teacher must decide when it is appropriate to bring it to the surface .
18 The wider and more drastic the clause , the more care must be taken to bring it to the buyer 's attention .
19 In Dr S 's view , the discourse of the emotional is devalued in the rest of the department , and she tries to bring it to the fore .
20 In this respect , s14(5) of the SGA provides : The preceding provisions of this section apply to a sale by a person who in the course of a business is acting as agent for another as they apply to a sale by a principal in the course of a business , except where that other is not selling in the course of a business and either the buyer knows that fact or reasonable steps are taken to bring it to the notice of the buyer before the contract is made .
21 More significantly , if questions may not even be asked in open court about illegal tapping , how is the victim to find out about it in order to bring it to the attention of the police ?
22 His invention of photogenic drawing dated back four years earlier but he was spurred to bring it to the attention of the scientific world by the announcement by the Frenchman Daguerre of his revolutionary invention , the Daguerreotype .
23 The harsher the clause , the greater the effort needed to bring it to the attention of the buyer ( see Interfoto Picture Library v. Stiletto Visual Programmes , paragraph 7–03 above ) .
24 In that case , the party whom the clause favours ( usually the seller ) will not be found to have incorporated it in the contract unless either it was in a contractual document signed by the other party or else reasonable steps had been taken to bring it to the attention of the other party .
25 The court refused to allow the claim , holding that the clause ( imposing an exorbitant charge ) was particularly onerous and unusual and the library had not taken all reasonable steps to bring it to the attention of the agency .
26 It makes even worse reading and it distresses me to have to bring it to the attention of the House .
27 But it 's the nature of the offence as such that if a soldier is bullied , he 's unlikely if he wants to stay in the Army , to bring it to the attention of the authorities , because he know that afterwards he has then to live with the people who he 's complained about .
28 " We want to bring it to the attention of communities that they can do something about the rubbish in their streets , " said UNEP 's Richard Lumbe , launching the campaign in Nairobi .
29 All they want is to read Ellen 's endless journal once our friend in there has actually managed to bring it to the light of day .
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