Example sentences of "to bring [pers pn] into [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By design they had entered the grounds quite close to the front entrance , and they angled their progress so as to bring them into contact with the main driveway as quickly as possible .
2 The remedial programme should aim to make up the deficit in primary and community health services in the capital , to bring them into line with national standards .
3 Having previously studied in Canada and the US , Johnston felt that there was a need for positive discrimination within UK colleges in order to bring them into line with educational standards abroad .
4 The Customs and Excise , with all its ancillary departments , were forced to re-structure their systems to bring them into line with European countries and this reorganisation took place over the next few years .
5 ABC will be conducting a review of employee benefits to bring them into line with those of ABC ( i.e. pensions ) ;
6 Under a presidential decree of Aug. 6 , oil and gas export prices were deregulated so as to bring them into line with world prices .
7 He came to understand the need to settle for half a loaf rather than nothing at all ; he recognized the need to negotiate with legislators while he also discovered how to bring them into line by going over their heads to the people .
8 When moderate areas , principally Nottinghamshire , failed to comply , Yorkshire miners tried to bring them into line by picketing their pits .
9 They accept the forces that tend to bring them into equilibrium with their surroundings .
10 For all the unmanoeuvrability of armour in the inhospitable southern sector , the Iraqi leadership evidently decided to retain the option to bring it into play at some stage , at least during the warmer months .
11 For most cuts , the work is steadied against the foot plate which can be angled to bring it into contact with the workpiece ; because the teeth of the sawblade tend to become worn close to the foot plate , the plate can be unclamped and moved forwards to bring a fresh section of the blade into use .
12 If the machine 's speed is sufficient to bring it into contact with a target then it is considered to have charged .
13 Paul Lexington Productions had been able to mount The Hooded Owl at Taunton , but had been unable to bring it into town without Bobby Anscombe 's support .
14 That was until the grid got into proper operation and the then they got nationalized then they they transferred back onto A C. It was to bring it into line to s to keep the town supplied through all the er cables that were were being constructed for D C. They had to bring the A C back to D C. That was converters .
15 The reason why changes ought to be made in language is to bring it into line with the way things really are .
16 GS , and GT at the high-end wo n't be getting too much more attention , though GT prices are to be cut to bring it into line with Freedom .
17 It is desirable that a means be found of revising the Supplement text to bring it into line with the OED in this respect .
18 The same order changed the colour of the last area of facing on the khaki jacket — the buttoned shoulder strap — from sky-blue to white , to bring it into line with the colour of the officers ' transverse shoulder straps , the NCOs ' chevrons , and the trouser stripes .
19 Where account has been taken of factors other than the judicial view on the requirements of retribution and deterrence in fixing the date , the date will be adjusted to bring it into line with the judicial view .
20 The thinking behind EC competition law has particular significance currently for the UK where there are proposals to reform UK competition law to bring it into line with Articles 85 and 86 ( see the article by Williams in this issue ) .
21 If this fourth proposition is accepted , it is an additional reason to welcome the proposals for a reform of UK competition policy to bring it into line with European policy .
22 Five thousand of his employees attended the funeral He left a personal fortune of $130 million , a staggering sum when the mathematical equation to bring it into line with its value today is calculated .
23 Originally it gave the same reading as the theatre score ; Purcell made the alteration in order to bring it into line with the printed version .
24 Manufacturing capacity has been scaled down to bring it into line with projected demand .
25 An existing module in drystone dyking has now been revised to bring it into line with current industrial practices .
26 clarification of policy , possibly to bring it into line with the purchaser 's group policy but may also be seeking to ensure that the vendors collect as many overdue debtors as possible prior to sale .
27 Additionally the following measures were agreed : ( i ) that a joint working party would be set up , charged with defining " political offences in the South African situation " and with advising on " mechanisms for dealing with the release of political prisoners and the granting of immunity " ; ( ii ) that " temporary immunity from prosecution for political offences " would be considered as a matter of urgency for the ANC 's NEC members and others , to enable them to return to the country without fear of prosecution ; ( iii ) that the government would " review existing security legislation to bring it into line with the new dynamic situation developing in South Africa in order to ensure normal and free political activities " ; ( iv ) that the government would work towards the lifting of the state of emergency ; ( v ) that efficient channels of communication between the government and the ANC would be set up in order to curb violence and intimidation from whatever quarter .
28 This approach is difficult to reconcile with the principle of supremacy of Community law and would not seem to be the correct way to apply the principle of indirect effect the duty of the national courts to interpret national law as far as possible to bring it into line with Community obligations .
29 Studies by the government 's Warren Spring Laboratory showed that even though one of the crematoria had been updated to bring it into line with the 1990 Environmental Protection Act , its flue gases still contained between 25 and 46 billionths of a gram of dioxins per cubic metre .
30 The intended contrast is between repudiating science because we can not understand how to bring it into harmony with an antecedently given substantive conception of reality , and rejecting our most general scientific theories because they are constantly surprised by experience .
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