Example sentences of "to bring [pers pn] [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Erm in connection with erm with reference to the York area housing strategy , again , there is a simple explanation , in that that that document was prepared before the current work on the City of York draft local plan , had progressed to a stage at which members had considered housing sites , and a number of sites in City Council ownership erm within the city , covering some four hundred dwellings have now been agreed by the City Council members as coming forward over the planned period for affordable housing , and in the case of two of those sites it actually requires sites to be taken out of use as public car parks , to bring them forward for development , and that is why the eleven hundred figure is actually reduced now to a seven hundred .
2 He turned the canoe back in , using the full power of those arms to bring them rapidly towards shore .
3 We were placed on top of the leading beast ; and our art was to bring them home by words only , no reins to be used .
4 He moved sideways , to bring her fully into view .
5 Ordered him out of bed and impatiently interrupted his exercises to bring him downstairs for breakfast .
6 In 1714 , the laird of Gleneagles solicited the post of bailie of the regality of Lennox for his son James Haldane , an advocate who ‘ not haveing reccommendation or interest enought to bring him quickly into business … thought this might contribute some thing to it ’ , but the Duke of Montrose kept such appointments firmly in the hands of Graham gentlemen who looked upon him as their chief .
7 Held asks why ‘ for so many people the fact something is a recognisably ‘ political ’ statement is almost enough to bring it instantly into disrepute ’ .
8 The young Ulster Youth Dance company has already shown that the dancers have the ability to match the dramatic intensity and sensitivity of this great work and to bring it triumphantly to life .
9 It often takes something like a heart attack , as in your case , to bring it home to people to stop smoking .
10 This was to promote the cause of anti-Tory tactical voting , and to bring it home to Paddy Ashdown and Neil Kinnock that they needed each other .
11 But the match needed an attacking spark from Romario or Careca to bring it fully to life and the goal saved the evening a damp , dismal denouement .
12 As part of the general plan to reshape agricultural education to meet the changing needs of the industry and to bring it more in line with the rest of further education , the National Advisory Council on Education for Industry and Commerce appointed a committee late in 1970 , under the chairmanship of Professor J.P .
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