Example sentences of "to become [adj] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore it would also seem possible to learn a functional sign language without a positive desire to become deaf on the part of the hearing learner ; nevertheless , it has been the case in the past that those who have learned sign language have often been cast in the integrative mould and have had their views devalued by the hearing community because of it .
2 They have to become used to the parent in themselves and in their partner , as well as to the baby .
3 If you choose to use a hair-dryer , allow the dog to become used to the noise at close quarters .
4 Daily grooming is to be recommended for most breeds , and it can be helpful to allow a puppy to become used to the sensation , even though its coat will probably need less attention than that of an adult dog .
5 This change in the exchange rate would cause cars from WG to become dearer in the UK and UK cars sold in WG would become cheaper .
6 A quarter of the part-time farmers hoped to become full-time in the future .
7 The colour is mixed , allowed to become sticky in the palette and dragged across the paper with a damp brush .
8 Frequently such courses are used by members of the publishing industry to introduce awareness into their organizations of what is likely to become possible in the future .
9 I affected to become social with the others but out of the corner of my mind — while I played for the others the part of a poor miner 's son who was puzzled , but delighted by the attention these lovely people paid to him — I had her under close observation …
10 Practice can doubtless yield ‘ theories ’ of a limited or weaker kind , but once such theories are seen to apply more generally or with more force , they tend to become dignified with the name of ‘ model ’ , ‘ theory ’ or even ‘ paradigm ’ .
11 What makes an object fashionable it is ability to signify the present ; it is thus always doomed to become unfashionable with the movement of time .
12 Be careful with soilless composts they have a nasty tendency to become bone-dry in the middle , while the surface remains moist and apparently well watered .
13 Nor do I want him to become blase about the violence many of these packages feature — he might get the notion that beating up people in real life is no big thing .
14 It is the intention and the spirit of the Act to encourage them to be more accountable to their Boards of Governors , and , to a large extent , to become self-sufficient within the limits of their given finance and income generated by legitimate business activities .
15 The ornately printed label on one end read : ‘ Hatchard 's Patent Stencils : This box contains all the materials and instructions necessary to become proficient in the art of stencilling . ’
16 One afternoon , Mr Charles to his shame and regret had allowed himself to become inebriated in the company of two fellow guests — gentlemen I shall merely call Mr Smith and Mr Jones since they are likely to be still remembered in certain circles .
17 I can assure you it 's very easy to become lost in the New Zealand bush , and this one stretches over a large area . ’
18 A good example is where someone may question you about a situation ostensibly to become clearer about the facts .
19 He has planned his reunion with her for so long , that it almost ceases to become real by the time it actually occurs .
20 His organizational talent , his ability to provide a framework within which the magazine and its designers and writers could operate , was to become central to the magazine .
21 You stop at the top of the road and look back , to see the flames just starting to become visible over the edge of the hotel roof , dancing orange into the night .
22 While moderate drinkers were just as likely to become infected with the germs , fewer became ill with the symptoms .
23 The result has been the stimulation of the perfectly natural reaction for those who rely on the priesthood for guidance in these matters , to become suspicious of the integrity of that hierarchy and , as more enlightened thinking proves to be less of a sin than is often implied , lose what faith had been generated .
24 In order to learn to master this sort of mismatch , simple context drills must be prepared such as the following one , in order to become accustomed to the way the word is used in German : N.B. ( to me ) indicates that it is implied in the English sentence , but not usually stated ; if stated , it would be followed by the preposition " in " , as in " Bring the books to me in the library " .
25 Within 15 minutes the human eye begins to become accustomed to the dark — provided it is not blinded by light , in which case , you have to start all over again .
26 She had not known him long enough to become accustomed to the impact of his looks , but she felt confident she could hide any extra fluttering of the pulse which he gave her .
27 Results of the sort shown in fig. 5.1 could arise simply because the initial training produces general facilitatory effects ( by allowing the subject to become accustomed to the situation , and so on ) .
28 In March 1900 , Sergeant Harold Coker did his first drill , and his name was to become synonymous with the Brigade , for he was later Chief Officer , and designed the fire escape .
29 Details of the new force , which was expected to become operational by the end of 1994 , revealed that it would consist of three elements : a Rapid Reaction Force consisting of a multinational corps under UK command ; Main Defence Forces consisting of six multinational corps ( two under German command , one each under US , Netherlands and Belgian command and another under rotating German and Danish command ) ; and Augmentation Forces or reserves .
30 All the swims that have given me good dace fishing seemed to have shared similar features , the main one being their tendency to become shallower towards the tail .
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