Example sentences of "kept him [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But having said that surely Wilkinson could have kept him at the club , for someone who says that players are picked on the performances they produce how can he explain Deane ?
2 However , ever since an incident with a chicken which resulted in a bald-arsed chicken and a dog with a mouthful of feathers , I 've kept him on a lead whenever I 've been near a farmyard .
3 He could no longer keep his eyes open to watch any one of the Thrill-a-Minute videos which , until quite recently , would have kept him on the edge of his seat .
4 down into his arteries and we ca n't get anything down there so they 're blocked , but he said how the hell he survived that op I do n't know he said they could 've done more with his legs but it meant another hour and a quarter minutes in surgery , and he said he 'd had enough we could n't have kept him on the table a minute longer so he said all we can do is wait , so now mum said well he 's alright in intensive care , he 's responding well , getting over the operation well , but what we was worried about was him breathing on his own , had he , had he been you see , anyway he said this on er Thursday
5 Since joining BP as a petroleum engineer in 1974 , his career has kept him on the move .
6 They 'd kept him in a kiosk on Brighton front day and night waiting for the Germans to invade .
7 Only Pears ’ consistency has kept him in the background . ’
8 Only Pears ’ consistency has kept him in the background . ’
9 He was shivering , and his teeth were chattering like Philip 's did when his Dad had kept him in the swimming bath too long .
10 He felt as he had done when a small boy and rain or some other calamity of nature had kept him from a picnic , resentful and somewhat indignant .
11 If that decision has now put him in the casualty ward , it has equally kept him from the sanatorium .
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