Example sentences of "kept [prep] a long [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In a hospital or a bank , where records have to be kept for a long time , the files would not be deleted routinely , but stored in archives until the expiry of the prescribed storage period .
2 Only a small minority of the wines are kept for a long time as vintage wines .
3 The cost need not be very high and you will have the satisfaction of knowing that the finished result will be kept for a long time , if not forever , by the recipient .
4 Passenger manifests are kept for a long time .
5 These can be kept for a long time and are likely to breed .
6 If an experiment produces animals that are to be kept for a long period , or that are to form the basis of a breeding colony .
7 Perhaps the strangest talisman — and one ( or should one say many … ? ) which made those initiates feel themselves intimately a part of the Fists — was kept in a long crypt below the Reclusiam , reached by a dropshaft which would incinerate anyone who did not sport a Black Carapace beneath their skin .
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