Example sentences of "contact with the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We are ‘ involved ’ in the most thoroughly mediated war in history but now more than ever vicarious contact with the front line via blanket news coverage fails to guarantee comprehensibility , still less access to the truth .
2 The brisk social wind that had driven her lightly from guest to guest had dropped , stilled by telephonic contact with the tiny scratching clicking silence of the voiceless house of the long ordeal of her childhood : she found herself becalmed , for a whole dull stretch , talking to old Peter Binns , a charming old boy , but a bore , and so slow of speech that Liz could hardly restrain herself from finishing all his ponderous sentences .
3 The filopodia pull the sheet right across the cavity until it makes contact with the other side where it meets and fuses with another but much smaller invagination which is the future mouth .
4 Once you come into contact with the other side you can drop down into command the individual tanks and engage in fast armoured conflict — the controls here do take some getting used to , although you can opt to assign either the driving or firing to the computer .
5 A solicitor may properly suggest that his own client makes personal contact with the other side .
6 Any strong chemicals , if allowed to come into contact with the urethral mucous membrane , which is very sensitive , may set up an irritative urethritis .
7 The Christians in Corinth were confused ; should they withdraw from such a society ; one party in the church seems to have been saying that they must , to avoid being defiled by all the ‘ isms ’ ( paganism , hedonism , animism , polytheism , … ) around them ; the other party was saying that contact with the non-Christian society around them was all right .
8 When my right hon. Friend the Minister of State next has contact with the Indonesian ambassador , will he express the abhorrence of the House at the indiscriminate shooting of men , women and children in Dili , which I visited three years ago with other hon. Members ?
9 These fenders rise and fall with the lock water level and prevent ships ' hulls from making contact with the concrete lock walls .
10 His Prince 's Trust brought him into contact with the real world .
11 He is the person in direct contact with the real world of dirty rivers , the first stage decision-maker who normally controls his supervisor 's access to ‘ problems ’ and ‘ troublesome ’ incidents : ‘ If we do n't mention the fact to anyone higher-up , no-one ever knows .
12 Anyone who has contact with the real world knows that sometimes the management might not have confidence in the work force and the work force might not have confidence in the management .
13 The id is not a managerial agency , it does not have to make decisions , it is not in contact with the real world and therefore it can have its cake and eat it .
14 Instead of being ranged on a single secondary shaft , the floating pinions are divided between two secondary shafts both of which are in permanent contact with the differential crown wheel .
15 Each spore is surrounded by a thin protective sheath which may initially aid in sticking the spore to a potential host ; once in place , its first task is to establish contact with the living tissue of the host , penetrating the tough exoskeleton to gain access .
16 In 1911 it required that one-third of all boarding-out committees should consist of women , for their assumed superior sensitivity to children 's needs , and that relieving officers should no longer supervise boarded-out children , thus removing such children from direct stigmatizing contact with the official administration of the Poor Law .
17 However , even outer clothing must have required fastening and such wear would also have arisen if they were worn on undergarments in such a way as to come into contact with the inner face of the coarse outer garments ; such extreme wear is perhaps more likely to have occurred in this way than on the outside .
18 This must also have secured for Oswiu an important diplomatic contact with the Kentish court of King Eorcenberht ( 640–64 ) , son of Eadbald , and re-established the former relationship which had prevailed in the time of Eadwine and Eadbald .
19 ‘ There was no contact with the straight left ’ , he says , ‘ they hated us . ’
20 Cardiff retained eye contact with the blond man as he drew level .
21 In the functioning reservoir the liquid contents of the reservoir are in contact with the posterior wall mucosa in both the prone and standing positions while the anterior wall mucosa is somewhat protected by the presence of gas within the lumen .
22 We are in regular contact with the Israeli Government at the highest level on this issue .
23 Thus , where the draftsman used the phrase " adjoining premises " in one part of the lease and the phrase " adjoining or neighbouring premises " in another part of it , it was held that the former phrase only applied to property that came into physical contact with the demised property because the words " or neighbouring " must have added something to the word " adjoining " ( White v Harrow ( 1902 ) 86 LT 4 ) .
24 Some time later he manoeuvred a tight bend and , caught unawares , she slid towards him , her body making solid contact with the muscular tautness of his thigh .
25 In 893 , Tsar Simeon appointed Clement to be the first Slav bishop of the diocese of Velika ( Titov Veles ) , but he still maintained regular contact with the Ohrid School .
26 It was also transmitted south-westwards , into Egypt and along the coast of North Africa , where it would come into much more direct contact with the coalescing orthodoxy of Rome — and , despite Rome 's attempts to suppress it , exercise a more discernible influence on the evolution of Christianity in Western Europe .
27 A man of a few carefully-placed words , not to lose contact with the external world .
28 The Emperor deplored the bellicosity of language and continued to work for a peaceful settlement , using the King of the Belgians as an intermediary , at the same time maintaining close contact with the Spanish Ambassador in Paris .
29 Miller 's excursions into architecture were in essence a facet of his active social life — which through his patron at Hagley ( George , first Baron Lyttelton , q.v. ) included contact with the interlocking family ‘ cousinage ’ of the Lytteltons , Pitts , and Grenvilles — and like other amateur architects he made use of the assistance of professionals .
30 She had been one of the founder members of the Institutional Management Association in Yorkshire and later involved herself additionally in the Hotel & Catering Institute and always kept in contact with the professional association throughout her career .
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