Example sentences of "worked with the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Movement put up municipal candidates and worked with the Communist Party and the ILP for the " immediate demands " of the unemployed .
2 A friend of Probst , H. Gruber and Pastor Martin Niemoller , Hartwell worked with the Confessing Church to aid the escape of Jews from Germany .
3 I worked with the Hawaiian manager for a while once , and we organised a similar scheme for two of our jocks when I was with the Wellington station last year . ’
4 He worked with the bovine strain , but confirmed his positive findings with virulent human organisms .
5 The only thing that worked with the odd fish was the open bale-arm , but more often than not the bream dropped the bait before I struck .
6 She worked with the regional adviser in religious and moral education and became involved in teacher' in-service training particularly concerning multicultural education .
7 She worked with the local women at St. Martin 's , Elterwater , and in 1883 linen was being spun and woven again in the Langdale Valley .
8 Macijauskas himself is from the second city and former capital , Kaunas which is where he worked with the local branch of the society , won some competitions and became a newspaper reporter .
9 The first is that the CED worked with the semantic pairs , in the sense that it gave a statistically significant result , but it does not in this investigation .
10 Betty 's classroom practice changed whilst she worked with the advisory teacher , but the lack of congruence between her beliefs about mathematics and about how children learn and those behind the innovation , made it unlikely that such changes would be sustained once he left .
11 During the war of 1914–18 he worked with the Royal Army Medical Corps as a psychiatrist in hospitals , including Craiglockhart , for shell-shocked soldiers .
12 Mr Gohla formerly worked with the Christian agency Miserior .
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