Example sentences of "led [prep] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was easy to see why the police would have missed it : from outside , it was just a concrete hardstand , perhaps the foundation for an old shed , and the opening led through a shallow pit that was usually jammed with rubbish and covered by a corrugated iron sheet .
2 Over the past 30 years , musicological , historical and biographical research have all led towards a new Mozart .
3 There was an iron gate which looked rusted and stuck but which opened to a touch , a flight of stone steps to the water level , and then she let herself be led along a narrow shelf which from the look of it was usually under water .
4 The doorway led into a small court with white walls and flat roof of red earth , empty except for a man sitting on the ground on a blue mat .
5 After scrambling along a series of dark and dusty corridors which were lit only by Apanage 's lantern and the feeble light of the moon fighting its way through filthy skylights , Cleo and Dauntless were eventually led into a spacious attic .
6 As a result of this confusion Bukharin was led into a contradictory position on the question of coercion .
7 ‘ You are not being led into a drunken orgy .
8 Horses nearly always hesitate when they are led into a dark stable at night , even if they know their dinner is ready and waiting for them there .
9 I was led into a dark room and told to lie face down on a mattress on the floor .
10 She had n't been paying much attention to the journey , and did n't have any idea of where they were ; the archway led into a long courtyard with a cobbled surface and small , squeezed-in houses to either side .
11 I was led into a shuttered room off the courtyard .
12 Tamas had led in a first round of polling on Dec. 9 , but the result had been declared void because the turnout did not reach the necessary 50 per cent [ see p. 37130 ] .
13 This had led in a good deal of theology and piety to a concentration of attention on a vaguely unitarian ‘ God ’ , loosely identified with the Father , and to increasing difficulties in connecting that up in any coherent way with either the Trinity or the incarnation .
14 The business that is not being purposefully led in a clear direction which is understood by its people is not going to survive , and all of history shows that that is the case .
15 This sort of nonsense could have been fairly innocuous had it not been for the fact that under Napoleon I , the frequent employment of courtiers in great and influential offices of state had led to a gradual isolation of the Emperor , which in turn gave too much power to those close to the throne , many of whom , it should be noted , actively worked against him in the last years of the reign .
16 But Saunders ’ somewhat volatile displays have led to a gradual disenchantment .
17 This has made it difficult for Britain to compete on the world market , and this in turn has eventually led to a worse slump and level of unemployment than would otherwise have been the case had there been no political intervention in the working of the naturally self-regulating free economy of the market .
18 Rowntree 's later study in York ( Rowntree , 1941 ) suggested that the introduction of widow 's benefits had led to a substantial decrease in the extent of poverty among lone mothers .
19 The difficulties inherent in the ‘ rational ’ approach to public policy-making and administration have led to a renewed interest in ‘ incrementalism ’ in local authorities .
20 Modernisation , socio-economic exploitation by money-lenders and landlords , and the loss of previously communally-owned property , such as forests , have led to a collective loss of identity .
21 This has led to a closer working relationship with the adoption of coterminus boundaries between health and social work departments in many areas .
22 The agreement that bodies such as The Scottish Roads Directorate should fund the archaeological work required by their developments has also led to a closer liaison on survey and excavation .
23 X-PLOR and Hendrickson-Konnert least-squares restrained refinement has led to a final R -factor of 18.7% at 2.4Å , with an r.m.s. bond-length deviation of 0.021Å .
24 Some years later , Crook and Elliot ( 1980 ) conducted a similar review and came to similar conclusions , suggesting that social class is a confounding variable that has led to a spurious association in some studies between loss and depression .
25 International interest in the sue of the plutonium from irradiated nuclear fuel has led to a joint venture with BNFL .
26 The study of patients with FAP has led to a greater awareness of the importance of family history in apparently sporadic colorectal cancer .
27 So the extension of insurance provision has led to a greater likelihood of the reporting of many crimes .
28 It has certainly not led to a greater family stability .
29 This concentration , upon the value aspects , can be misleading , and in fact has led to a certain neglect by many Marxists of the material , use-value , aspects of reproduction and the centrality of this use-value in the reproduction schema .
30 It could have led to a certain amount of resentment , particularly when the material benefits flowed in for Hannah .
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