Example sentences of "proposals [to-vb] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There were some irreverent proposals to perform the ultimate experiment and try injecting material extracted from Ungar 's brain into his critics — a human trial that I suspect Ungar himself might have been rather in favour of !
2 As the Minister and I agree that the fatal weakness of the MacSharry proposals is that they will increase the cost of the common agricultural policy , thus breaching the budgetary limit , will the Minister give the House a guarantee today that the Government will use their right of veto on any proposals to breach the budgetary limit ?
3 At Christchurch , proposals to replace the Gothic station of 1877 had been made at the time of the First World War and again in the 1930s , but it was not demolished until the 1950s , when it was replaced by a modern station more successful than most .
4 The Scottish Office Environment Department on proposals to create the new agency , Scottish Natural Heritage , and the associated need to reconcile development ambitions and conservation duties at a local level ;
5 In reality the non-aligned states could not agree on any formula endorsing the Soviet proposals to neutralise the Persian Gulf since the primary Gulf states remained opposed to any security arrangement imposed by foreign powers .
6 The Labour Party 's manifestos at the last two general elections contained proposals to lower the main retirement age .
7 Proposals to re-classify the ancient track crossing National Trust commonland as a ‘ byway open to all traffic ’ has brought growing fears that Farnham Lane could eventually become a link to the new A3 Hindhead bypass .
8 The motion was tabled by the opposition and the Communists in protest at government proposals to finance the social security system with a new income tax , the generalized social contribution ( CSG ) .
9 Among the European participants , the French regarded proposals to extend the proposed CSCM to include other Mediterranean countries as premature , whereas Italian and Spanish representatives envisaged the integration of the entire Mediterranean basin in such a structure .
10 Proposals to tap the colonial resources of the West European powers had , furthermore , no chance of fulfilment .
11 It had rapidly run into controversy , with the representative of the ruling National Liberation Front ( FLN ) withdrawing in protest over proposals to reform the electoral law and to oblige the party to return state funds .
12 The proposals included the far-sighted proposals to amend the Legal Aid Regulations , so as to show the Bar 's determination that public funds should be efficiently used ; also to counter any suggestion of abuse of public funds by the Bar .
13 However , fresh proposals to amend the existing rent policy were put to the Bar Council in March .
14 However , a vote on the Slovene proposals to restructure the federal party was resoundingly defeated .
15 After protracted behind-the-scenes debate in the statutes commission , the congress was presented on July 9 with proposals to restructure the upper echelons of the party leadership , albeit less radically than had originally been proposed in the first draft of the new party rules published in March .
16 I refer to the article by Sir Nicholas Fairbairn ( ‘ The wronged losing the right to redress , ’ 4 March ) concerning the Government 's proposals to reduce the financial eligibility limits for legal aid .
17 First , it enables us to take stock of the further dramatic proposals to reduce the nuclear threat between east and west since the START agreement in July .
18 In January 1990 his team of economic advisers , led by Economy Minister Zélia Cardoso de Mello , put forward proposals to reduce the monthly rate of inflation to 5 per cent by June 1990 without recession or reduction of real wages and in accordance with the electoral programme [ for formal introduction of austerity plan in March see p. 37312 ] .
19 The strike by the staff of the School of Food and Consumer Studies will go ahead as planned tomorrow and the union , the University Lecturers ' Association , is drawing up proposals to spread the industrial action throughout the university .
20 The ADSW has condemned as ‘ unacceptable ’ Scottish Office proposals to end the legal requirement to appoint social work directors and social work committees .
21 Discussions are continuing with LCD regarding long term proposals to improve the legal aid system and the best methods of remuneration for the Bar .
22 proposals to clarify the statutory authority for carers to act on behalf of an incapacitated person , while setting out the principles which must be taken into account when acting in that person 's ‘ best interests ’
23 Sefton Council officers are considering proposals to introduce the fun figures in Southport in a bid to help rejuvenate the town 's shabby seafront area .
24 RADICAL proposals to cut the Premier League to 18 teams and introduce a Second Division could be put to the vote today .
25 This argument can be invoked to support the programme of language immersion in Canada , referred to in Chapter 2 , and other proposals to associate the foreign language more closely with other subjects on the curriculum ( see , for example , Widdowson 1968 , 1978 ) .
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