Example sentences of "set [adv prt] [prep] [noun] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But Denis 's hopes took flight with the break-up of the Soviet empire and he set off for Russia this summer .
2 I then got into a tracksuit , donned a newish pair of expensive running-shoes , and set off towards Wimbledon Common .
3 Tim Severin , a renowned adventurer and author , set off on May 13th on a ‘ China voyage ’ which is taking him from Hong Kong to California on a bamboo raft , and will produce a book of that name , published by Little , Brown , in October 1994 .
4 David gave up his job as the headmaster of a primary school near St Helens in Lancashire earlier this year , his wife , Vicky gave up the job of supply teaching she had been doing and , with their two children , Jonathan ( 11 ) and Patrick ( 5 ) , set off in May last year for some serious cruising , which includes going transatlantic with the ARC .
5 When Ross and Minton set off in August 1947 , stopping first in Paris where they obtained a passage to Ajaccio from the French Minister of Culture , Louis Joxe , they did not know each other well .
6 The US Federal Trade Commission is still trying to put together a case against Microsoft Corp that will win support from its commissioners , US PC Week reports , and will be collecting final depositions this week : the complaint is now expected to be drastically simplified in an effort to make it acceptable to at least three of the four voting commissioners , and the latest depositions are primarily focused on allegations that Microsoft intentionally built incompatibilities into its software so it would n't work well with offerings from competitors — a complaint set off by Novell Inc , which alleged DR DOS would n't work with Windows 3.1 because Microsoft deliberately added incompatible code ; Microsoft said it had ‘ never developed a product to be intentionally incompatible with some other product ’ ; the Commission is also expected to address the manner in which Microsoft disseminates technical information to developers , and the manner in which it has capitalised on operating system monopoly to build applications sales ; if at least three of the four commissioners agree with the complaint , the case will go to administrative court and Microsoft will be sued by the federal government for anti-trust violations , but the company is not expected to be asked to do anything so drastic as sell units .
7 This pledge to disarm civilians had been formalized with the establishment of the broad-based National Security Commission , set up on Aug. 29 with its own armed 150-strong Special Disarmament Brigade .
8 The Constitutional Assembly , set up on Sept. 7 to draft a new constitution [ see p. 38420 ] , continued its debates , having run over the Nov. 15 deadline .
9 Opponents of this proposed legislation set up on Nov. 13 a committee headed by Zbigniew Bujak , the Solidarity veteran and Union of Labour deputy to the Sejm , to campaign for a national referendum on the issue .
10 Negotiations have been taking place for almost two years and their failure is a big setback to the ambitions of the Edinburgh-based financial institution set up with £26 million in 1991 as a building society acquisition vehicle .
11 The function of the European Legislation Committee set up in December 1972 was therefore confined to determining which proposals were legally important or politically important and to advising which of these should be debated by the full House .
12 The Supreme Soviet decisions were based on findings by an official commission set up in May 1989 to examine the investigators ' work .
13 Batrec , set up in May 1989 by several Swiss cantons , uses a system developed by the Japanese company Sumitomo Heavy Industries , which allows 95 per cent of the component parts to be reused .
14 Meanwhile , I had formed one of a group of Local Defence Volunteers , an emergency organization set up in May 1940 , later to be transformed into the Home Guard .
15 They were convicted of criminal offences and sentenced to death in recent months , with no right of appeal , by a military court set up in April 1991 .
16 In November 1986 a referendum backed the establishment of a one-party state , the sole party being the Central African Democratic Rally ( RDC ) set up in February 1987 .
17 A summit meeting took place on Feb. 24 in Amman , the Jordanian capital , of the heads of state of the four countries which together composed the Arab Co-operation Council ( ACC ) , the organization set up in February 1989 under an agreement between Egypt , Iraq , Jordan and North Yemen [ see p. 36474 ] .
18 Robert Davies , chief executive of Business in the Community International ( BITCI ) , set up in February 1990 under the auspices of the Prince of Wales to promote good community practice internationally , already perceives a ‘ sea change in attitude ’ .
19 From Lloyd George 's Reconstruction Committee , set up in February 1917 , came strong support for a Ministry of Health and an extensive housing programme for the working classes , ideas supported later by Christopher Addison as Minister of Reconstruction .
20 The interests of the non-indigenous population were articulated by bodies such as ‘ Interfront ’ in Latvia , set up in January 1989 , and its counterparts in the other republics ; the concerns of the substantial Russian-speaking minority in these republics were also expressed in letters to the central press , and found some reflection in the speeches of members of the party leadership .
21 The 15,000-member Georgian National Guard , set up in January 1991 [ see p. 37971 ] in place of conscription in the Red Army , was reported to be split between Gamsakhurdia loyalists and a rebel faction .
22 NKr6,000 million would go to the " bank insurance fund " set up in January 1991 [ ibid . ] ,
23 The Harms Commission , set up in January 1990 to investigate earlier allegations made by ex-police officer Dirk Coetzee [ see p. 37033 ] , was authorized by de Klerk to investigate the latest allegations , including claims that Lubowski , a prominent member of the South West Africa People 's Organization ( SWAPO ) , was a paid agent of the SADF ; in early March the commission began hearing evidence from senior SADF commanders .
24 The Remmelink Commission , set up in January 1990 , published its conclusions on Sept. 10 , 1991 , calculating that in the Netherlands there were annually some 2,700 cases of euthanasia or assisting the death of patients , and some 1,000 cases of intervention to terminate the life of patients unable to express their wishes .
25 This is thanks to work by a corrective action team set up in January last year to investigate high and variable losses of caustic soda to the drain .
26 He was also a founding member of the Providence Island Company , set up in September 1630 ; and , in the same month , he joined William Fiennes , first Viscount Saye and Sele , Sir Nathaniel Rich , John Pym [ qq.v. ] , and John Crewe as members of a trust established by Richard Knightley [ q.v. ] to support John Dod .
27 A different form of direct action was taken by the Derry Housing Association , set up in October 1965 .
28 In revolutionary France the Legislative Assembly set up in October 1791 a permanent diplomatic committee before which the foreign minister could be called to account ; and this process was pushed to its logical conclusion when in April 1794 the Convention abolished the ministry of foreign affairs and replaced it with a Commission of Foreign Relations subject to the Committee of Public Safety .
29 The Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 opens the monopoly to authorized litigators who are members of bodies approved by the machinery set up in Part II of the Act .
30 Colour analyst/hairdresser Mrs Myra Addison and photographer Mrs Ann Simmons together make up Beautiful Images , a venture set up in Darlington 15 months ago : and they came out tops with stunning portraits in competitions organised by the British Institute of Professional Photography and the Master Photographers ' Association .
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