Example sentences of "standing at [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The steady increase in the number of lifeboat launches continued during 1990 , standing at a new record of 4,935 when the figures were reported to the Annual Meetings in mid-May .
2 Two chambermaids were standing at a respectful distance , watching his efforts in some awe .
3 The Tsar presides over an assembly made up predominantly of landowners , seen here standing at a respectful distance , and leading members of the Church 's hierarchy , seated at the front
4 Three days ago on our way up here we passed a field with two horses standing at a five-bar gate .
5 On the Red Hall estate on Tuesday he was taking his orders from Coun. Sonia Willans standing at a central point while the other members radiated out .
6 The American novelist Thomas Wolfe wrote standing at a tall refrigerator — a chair and table being too cramped for the big mountain man — and he dropped unnumbered sheets , each with a few scrawled words , into a cardboard box at his feet .
7 ‘ We are today standing at a historic crossroads , ’ Mr Suzuki told a conference in ( most appositely ) Hawaii , ‘ a crossroads where the many civilizations encounter each other in this Pacific region .
8 His classification into personal and projected play represents a hierarchy of abstraction ; dramatic activities using oneself as the medium of expression standing at a lower level on the table of abstraction than dramatic activities using media other than oneself .
9 The family watched it with their solemn , empty faces , standing at a great distance from the stage .
10 They were standing at a collapsible map table Schellenberg had erected , the plans of St Mary 's Priory spread before them .
11 Item No 2 : this is an Elagabalus denarius which depicts the Emperor standing at a sacrificial altar .
12 Now it is standing at a huge sum , growing rapidly , and it is still not going where it is needed ’ .
13 The shot slipped from his grasp and nearly flattened the Head 's wife who was standing at a safe distance ( or so she thought ) behind the thrower .
14 Standing at a safe distance , my eyeballs popped at the sight of the rich variety of penises on show , ranging as they did from dainty chipolatas to Bowyer 's jumbo sausages , with a few unfortunate specimens doing impersonations of mummified button mushrooms left for dead at the bottom of a refrigerator .
15 Maggie now beckoned him towards her , and some what reluctantly he followed her along a short passage and into a long sun-lit kitchen , where a woman was standing at a wooden table mixing some ingredients in a bowl .
16 She climbed up again , then ran along the shoreline until she was standing at the nearest point to it .
17 She was standing at the front edge of the stage with the microphone hanging from one limp hand by the outside of her right thigh .
18 Lewis , standing at the front gate , had managed to catch most of the exchanges ; had watched Mrs Williams as she 'd finally turned away from Morse in tearful distress .
19 RICHARD and EMMA are standing at the front door of a rambling , untidy , Edwardian Mansion .
20 Mme Guérigny was standing at the front door , her head pushed back , shouting up to the attic window for Jean-Claude .
21 As she had come round the corner of the house from putting her bicycle in the old stable block , Inspector Blakelock had been standing at the front door almost as if he were waiting for her .
22 A detective-constable was standing at the front door with the detached watchfulness of a man paid to endure boredom but ready to leap into action should , unaccountably , the boredom end .
23 During a trade dispute in 1960 , a police officer found two pickets standing at the front entrance of a factory , four standing at the back entrance and ten or twelve outside the back entrance .
24 Room time-out : the child is removed from an enjoyable activity , not allowed to observe this , but not totally isolated — for example , standing at the far end of the sitting room , or sitting on a straight-backed chair .
25 Yvonne was standing at the far end of the room in her red tent dress , her arms extended , a glass of brandy glimmering in one hand .
26 Standing at the far end of the room , before the southern doors , is a man clad head to toe in plate mail armour , wielding a rune-inscribed bastard sword .
27 T'zin was standing at the far end , and Jotan and Nogai were circling one another in the wide space of one of the loose boxes .
28 She was standing at the far end of the room , waiting for him .
29 Three or four people without seats were standing at the far dome car end , including the actress Angelica .
30 When they went in Marc was standing at the high-arched window at the far end of a long refectory made sepulchral by huge arching beams of dark oak .
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