Example sentences of "become [adj] [conj] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At this point the difficulties become acute and the crux sequence of moves begins .
2 As the process proceeds many blood vessels become nipped and the scar tissue changes in colour from red to white which can take many years .
3 They are undoubtedly right that it has now become clear that the Government will not pay for the expansion it desires at a level which will protect high quality .
4 " It had also become clear that the duty system would change to " end-product taxi which would greatly favour the king-size brands . "
5 Queries of the type ‘ Are there ? ’ or ‘ How many ? ’ become simple if the information is held in the index .
6 The informal meeting , in Hertfordshire , has now become crucial as the prospect of a trade war heightens .
7 It is likely that some degree of unity could have been achieved between them had not Mrs Webb become convinced that the division was irreconcilable and determined to make every effort to bring her proposals to fruition .
8 It can not necessarily be considered as isotropic because if highly draw the chains become oriented and the elastic and other ( for example optical ) properties differ between different directions .
9 Regardless of the political changes , she says , Russian ballet will not change until Moscow critics become honest and the West 's great choreographers are welcomed in .
10 Since 1976 the trend has been reversed , managerial values have again become predominant and the bureaucracy has expanded , albeit with some strengthening of the legislative role of the National People 's Congress and , since the Democracy Movement of 1978–80 , a strengthening of the role of ‘ workers representative congresses ’ to give workers a limited say in the management of enterprises ( White 1985 ) .
11 The action takes place thousands of miles from ‘ the perennial roar of London ’ , but the reader remains very much aware of London and the civilization it stands for as moral standards crumble ; ‘ savage ’ and ‘ white man ’ become confused until the conduct of the whites , intent on mutual destruction , seems worse than that of ‘ these poor souls — and even Sally Day , the child of cannibals , in all likelihood a cannibal himself — so faithful to what they knew of good ’ .
12 After a time the shorter children become submerged and the number under water increases as the ranks go forward .
13 High standards of accuracy become important if the investigator is going to employ sophisticated methods of analysing the flight recording , such as making a double integration of the vertical acceleration recording to obtain an accurate description of the shape of the flight-path perpendicular to the pitch attitude .
14 This means that the lower dentures become loose and the person has problems with eating .
15 At about 25 per cent moisture content however these hydroxyls become saturated and the cell walls can absorb no more water ; this is known as the ‘ fibre saturation point ’ .
16 It 's only as their wardrobes become full that the problem arises ; garments that turn out the wrong size are going to fill one person 's space more than another 's .
17 After a time , the white fingers become purple when the blood starts flowing sluggishly again : the fingers are then very painful .
18 But in his second phase the issues of systematicity and method become blurred and the connection with structural linguistics becomes vague .
19 One of the major stumbling blocks in the criminal prosecution of corporations and their officials is that costs to the state become excessive as the case is stretched out for endless months and sometimes years .
20 In the case of public housing , financial control from the centre has — as we have seen — become stronger and the opportunity for local variation has been reduced .
21 In this context there is always room for some sharp operator to move up the industry hierarchy of market share , although this is probably becoming more difficult as large groups become consolidated and the industry generally matures .
22 Sail camber has been formed by use of battens , either flat or of round section in sleeves from leading to trailing edge.Tensioned into compression , the battens become curved and the degree of camber is controlled by vertical stand-offs from the forward cross-spar .
23 When a group of female mice is placed with a male their oestrus cycles become synchronized and the majority of animals will mate on the third night .
24 If the quantal size changes over time , however , the histogram peaks become smeared and the analysis can , at best , only be done for relatively brief selected periods .
25 Soon they become aware that the train is engaged on a steady climb , this section being popularly known as the Long Drag ; beyond Horton in Ribblesdale Station interest tends to flag a little as the outlook from the windows becomes more austere on the pull up to Ribblehead .
26 We sit there for some time but I keep glancing up , and gradually become terrified that the man is somehow not dead or has become a zombie and is climbing back up the shaft towards us , to push the grating up and put his already rotting hands down and grab us both by the hair .
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