Example sentences of "become [verb] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 From birth , the environment in which babies find themselves is an intensely social one and almost inevitably they become enmeshed in a network of social interactions ( Richards 1974 ; Schaffer 1977 ) .
2 Furthermore , legal fees insurance undoubtedly gives you legal muscle if you become embroiled in a courtroom battle .
3 Stuck in this predicament the four travellers become embroiled in a drama unfolding in the house nearby .
4 Stroll around a spa ( and the atmosphere of relaxation hardly invites you to go any faster ) and you become lulled into a state in which you would hardly be surprised to see a monarch emerge from the portals of an hotel .
5 When saline solutions in rock pores become saturated as a result of a temperature change or evaporation , salt crystals begin to form and considerable pressures are generated .
6 Similarly , bankers become committed to a customer if they can not withdraw facilities without causing that customer financial distress .
7 That is , why is it that some people rather than others who experience the type of disparity described above become committed to a movement for moral reform ?
8 Thus rapidly , and with support on all sides , did Co-operation become accepted as a means of doing business , and at much the same time as did the joint stock company in essentially its modern form .
9 For , with the use of modern materials and construction techniques , the long established Sanjo Rokkaku fighting kite from Shirone , Japan , has , since 1983 , become adopted as a cult by the Western kite world .
10 ‘ I did n't want to become a prisoner of my own fame or become pushed into a corner by success and just sit at home . ’
11 We can be locked into the ritual just as we become locked into a dance sequence once we have entered upon it .
12 For those who become involved at a stage when there is a high degree of frailty , there are many sensitive decisions in daily caring which can slow down or halt the progress of dependence .
13 The conflicts are reflected in the personal lives of three families , Christian , Muslim and Jewish with parents and children in different parts of the world , whose destinies become entwined against a backdrop of ecclesiastical ambition .
14 For this reason culture is difficult to analyse scientifically but we all sense assumptions from it the more closely we become associated with a firm .
15 The movement to re-examine curriculum and methodology , which has been shown to be characteristic of teachers and educationists since the end of the Second World War , may take a variety of different forms , and become associated with a number of different fashions and bandwagons , but it is unlikely to come to a halt .
16 He had most likely become infected through a partner who had been receiving zidovudine .
17 But women having sex once a day with an HIV-infected man would on average become infected within a year , the study found .
18 For when we ask which interests should be protected , we immediately become engaged in a debate about distributive justice rather than an examination of the concept of personal autonomy .
19 People 's eating habits and food preferences are learned ; they are habits that become ingrained over a period of years .
20 Consultation in the creation of policy is essential , but it should not become such an end in itself that decisions become imprisoned in a wheel of endless debate .
21 The statutes may provide that a separate category of shares may , after the expiration of a fixed term , become vested in a foundation or a non-profit making entity and separate rules apply to such shares if they are designed to benefit the employees of the company .
22 The metaphysician uses the word ‘ substance ’ of the ‘ thing itself ’ , and thinks of its various properties as attached to it in much the same way that garments become attached to a clothes horse .
23 Some women who started work after their children had grown up felt the need to continue working in order to obtain a reasonable pension on retirement , yet they were forced to retire at 60 , because that is the age when they become entitled to a state and/or occupational pension .
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