Example sentences of "agreed [to-vb] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The board chairwoman , Ann Ferguson , said : ‘ The opening of the new hospital will be the biggest event in the recent history of the board and we are delighted that the Princess Royal has agreed to conduct the ceremonial opening .
2 The proportion of rooms held back for this purpose is renegotiated annually : Winter has agreed to continue the 1985 arrangements over the following summer , i.e. 30 per cent over June-August and 15 per cent in May and September .
3 ICTU has agreed to include the first point in their Agenda at their Biennial Conference .
4 It was agreed to disband the working parties .
5 ( a ) Retirement and expulsion As explained in earlier chapters of this book , where no express provision is contained in a partnership agreement or satisfactory arrangements can not be agreed to meet the particular circumstances of the partner concerned , the Partnership Act only offers dissolution as the answer to what to do with a partner whose continued presence in the firm is unwanted by his co-partners .
6 There was interest in the film being transferred on to video and the John S. Cohen Foundation had agreed to meet the initial costs .
7 Parliament eventually agreed to rescind the royal supremacy in November 1554 , but fears that the papacy might renege on the land settlement persisted .
8 The remark could be no more than a pious platitude , but the context allows a more specific reading : that the council had agreed to accept the nominal rule of the young king .
9 The remark could be no more than a pious platitude , but the context allows a more specific reading : that the council had agreed to accept the nominal rule of the young king .
10 Everywhere on their journey through France they found the people mad with celebration , for the king had agreed to observe the new constitution :
11 the husband of a client , who would not let the support worker into the house , even though previously he had agreed to try the extra help .
12 On the same day the authorities reportedly agreed to provide the International Committee of the Red Cross access to political prisoners held in re-education camps .
13 Under its terms , the seven Efta states and the twelve states of the EEC have agreed to establish a tariff-free area among themselves , in which the free movement of goods , services , people and capital is assured .
14 Despite initial US reluctance , the conference eventually agreed to establish a Global Fund , on the basis of a proposal by Mostafa Tolba , the executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme ( UNEP ) .
15 The British Academy and the ESRC have agreed to establish a working party .
16 It was announced on Dec. 13 that the Trevi Group of Justice and Interior Ministers formed after the Trevi security conference of 1976 ( see pp. 34883 ; 36492 ) , had agreed to establish a joint police database for use primarily against international terrorism and drug dealing .
17 As a stepping stone towards a regional common market , the Presidents of El Salvador , Guatemala and Honduras , meeting on May 12 in Nueva Ocotepeque , Honduras , had agreed to establish a free-trade zone creating a potential market of 20,000,000 consumers and to boost annual trade between the three from the currently estimated US$600 million to US$4,500 million .
18 Late last night they were also reported to have agreed to establish a supranational bank to finance the reconstruction of Eastern Europe — a strategy Mrs Thatcher has doubts about .
19 It was agreed to establish a public inquiry into methods of limiting the concentration of newspaper and magazine ownership .
20 At the final Cabinet meeting of the Labour government , held at 12 noon on 24 August , shortly after MacDonald had agreed to lead a National Government , he said :
21 During a visit to Nicaragua on Sept. 16-18 , 1989 , the former US President , Jimmy Carter , who had agreed to lead an international delegation to monitor the elections , acted as mediator between the government and Indian rebels from the Miskito coast area .
22 Basis has agreed to sell a half-million dollars worth of the C++ SoftBench 3.0 and SoftBench 3.0 products on Sparc machines .
23 The new government also agreed to sell the beleaguered State Bank of Victoria to the Commonwealth Bank , an institution owned by the federal government .
24 A small firm in Horsham called Stonefield Omicron Electronics has agreed to sell the fourth version of the computer , the CLIP.4 .
25 THE Americans have agreed to open a temporary office in Hanoi .
26 It was agreed to purchase a new machine at the cost of around £185 plus V.A.T. It was considered advisable to engage a regular ‘ caller ’ who would be paid for his services .
27 The visit was Saw Maung 's first foreign trip since the SLORC takeover in September 1988 ; reports in February 1991 had claimed that Myanma had agreed to purchase a large arms package from China [ see p. 38005 ] .
28 Mrs. M. Heathwood has agreed to purchase the necessary items for the cheese –n– wine .
29 Mrs. M. Heathwood has agreed to purchase the necessary items for the cheese –n– wine .
30 New post : Wirral councillors have agreed to create a new post for a recycling assistant to boost the council 's recycling effort .
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