Example sentences of "to tell [pers pn] of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 While he talked with Atkins , writes Walker , ‘ Norma and Dulcie were symbolically , sitting at the stern , neither of the men thinking to tell them of the course they were plotting . ’
2 Next morning Mr Jarvis rang to tell them of the pleasure he and his daughter with her little friend had had when releasing the squirrel .
3 Within 24 hours , NIH security police were given the list of names and told to call each person to tell them of the theft .
4 Another time he painted a scene of the angel appearing to the shepherds to tell them of the Nativity .
5 All I can do is to tell them of the number and variety involved , and point them to some background reading .
6 There is no space to tell you of the depth of fellowship I am experiencing , of the great joy I have in teaching such folk , of all I am learning from these believers who have suffered so much , of the hardening opposition by the Orthodox Church , of the great work being done by the Baptists among Bulgarian orphans and of the plans for an orphanage , school and seminary .
7 In so doing , he has enabled me to tell you of the matter — in the fervent hope that you will discover a means of informing the queen my mother of our case . ’
8 Byrkin had twice found out Holly to tell him of the sailing of the frigate Storozhevoy from the naval harbour at Riga .
9 Officers had tried all day to contact Mr Maughan to tell him of the tragedy .
10 She understood why Johnny had felt saddened when he had learned of their passing , and she smiled briefly as she recalled that she had never found the courage to tell him of the passing of that Empire , too — fearing that such knowledge could have precipitated an apoplectic fit !
11 She did not need Jarvis to tell her of the phenomenon of the shivering platform at West Hampstead as a train approaches , that and the singing of the rails , because she was accustomed to the point of no longer noticing it .
12 Mr de Klerk telephoned Mrs Thatcher at the Conservative conference in Blackpool to tell her of the decision before it was announced in South Africa .
13 The NVA representative who wrote to tell her of the decision explained that although he must have ‘ seemed unsympathetic in the past ’ , it had been for her own good .
14 Nor was there the slightest need to tell her of the thoughts that were uppermost in his mind .
15 I.M. Dalby , Osric Place , Newton Aycliffe : I was at Maynards in the Haymarket , Newcastle , training to be manageress at the Bishop Auckland branch , when a lady from the snack bar next door came in to tell us of the passing away of the King .
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