Example sentences of "lived in a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some of these creatures lived in a protective tube .
2 He lived in a good loose-box , and was let out to water twice a day .
3 The men of the ship 's company lived in a makeshift hut for ten months , and then took to their boats for the homeward passage , reaching Novaya Zemlya , where they met the Hope , commanded by Sir Allen W. Young [ q.v. ] , who had been sent to find them .
4 Her imagination conjured up a vision of the young , ambitious Lucenzo , struggling to study for his banking exams and to stay smart amid the chaos caused when a wife and several children lived in a cramped apartment .
5 During Hannah 's childhood and well beyond , Dalesfolk lived in a closed world where to travel more than a dozen miles from the farmstead was an unusual adventure the wireless a strange and suspicious device from foreign parts and a local newspaper something of an occasional luxury .
6 Mrs Bahia lived in a neighbouring house .
7 A similar gender difference was apparent in the time spent helping someone who lived in a separate household ; here 32 per cent of women but only 22 per cent of men spent ten hours or more each week on care-giving ( Green , 1988 , p. 21 ) .
8 Mosley also lived in a private world where there was leisure and a sense of fun .
9 These three ladies , now in their seventies , lived in a Georgian doll 's house in Lulling 's High Street .
10 But we lived in a middle-class neighbourhood and I met with a lot of disapproval .
11 If Ah lived in a clapped-out city like this with inflation at two hundred per cent , or whatever it is , Ah 'd dae just about anythin' fur payment in solid US dollars . ’
12 Stuart Pascoe lived in a spacious house not far from Canterbury Cathedral with a garden that swung down to a river .
13 ' However eager sceptical Victorians might be to replace the superstitious world of their forefathers with a structure that seemed to them more solid and more rational , the alternative , namely that they lived in a meaningless world of chance , was repellent to many of them .
14 All in all , in 1975 it was estimated that some 145,000 persons lived in a mobile home of some type .
15 They lived in a double-decker apartment in Adelphi Terrace that had been Charlotte 's home before her marriage .
16 Each of us lived in a concrete box , nine feet long and six feet wide , with walls one and a half foot thick , and 14 air holes .
17 We lived in a three-bedroomed council house , one of the bedrooms being little more than a boxroom , and by this time there were seven of us in the family .
18 My cousin Ibrahim lived in a two-storey house a few hundred metres away , just beyond the Tel Aviv–Jaffa port railway line .
19 Frederick , a man of limited imagination who thought himself to be the very model of a modern enlightened despot and who had travelled in Poland in his younger years , believed that the Polish nobles and gentry were fools and madmen , deluded Catholic warmongers who lived in a perpetual fog of political weakness and drunken anarchy .
20 In his opinion , they would make peace on almost any terms , they were shot through with cowardice , they lived in a perpetual funk .
21 She lived in a one-bedroomed flat , four floors up in a tower block .
22 Coaches on the way to Hastings made their last stop for horses at Battle 's George Hotel , where the ostler lived in a tiny cottage which still stands in the yard , to be roused by the bell outside his front door .
23 For a week , while the ship was stored and watered and fresh livestock taken aboard , Sara lived in a strange no-man's-land of emotion in which she alternated between boiling excitement at what lay ahead and abject dolours at the thought of leaving Ireland .
24 The comrades Honecker , Zhivkov , and above all , Ceauşescu himself , still lived in a mental world shaped by both Stalin 's dreams and his cynical realism .
25 In 1801 most English people still lived in a rural environment ; only one person in every three lived in a town and most of those towns were small by modern standards .
26 Among the vanquished was the master chimney-sweeper , whilom incredulous at Stagg 's Gardens , who now lived in a stuccoed house three storeys high , and gave himself out , with golden flourishes upon a varnished board , as contractor for the cleansing of railway chimneys by machinery .
27 Grandfather 's wage was the magnificent sum of twelve shillings per week and of course he lived in a tied cottage .
28 She lived in a one-bedroom flat in St George 's Place as you may know those council flats .
29 IN comparison with our own times , Marx and Engels lived in a pre-nationalist age .
30 They could never forget , he told his audience in his 70th anniversary speech later in the year , that they lived in a multinational state .
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