Example sentences of "covered by a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Among full-time male workers , fewer than 20 per cent of those with gross earnings of £75.00 a week or less were covered by a current employer 's scheme , compared with 80 per cent of those with gross weekly earrings of more than £150 .
2 Her shoulders were covered by a lace-trimmed mantelet , and pink ribbons decorated her lavender wool day dress .
3 She shivered again , glancing around , and saw a canvas propped against the gable wall , partly covered by a paint-daubed cloth .
4 The population of these three conurbations was over 8 million which when added to a similar population in London meant that approximately one-third of the population of England would have been within areas covered by a two-tier structure of local government .
5 Despite the wheelchair and his legs covered by a tartan rug , there was no look of the invalid about brave Leslie as he relaxed with the latest Lord 's Taverners magazine Long Room .
6 An old white-haired woman in a wheelchair , her legs covered by a tartan rug , wearing a canary yellow blouse .
7 Looking bewildered , with one hand on his chest which was covered by a scarred leather apron , Mr Zamoyski asked : ‘ Something I say ? ’
8 In this part , there was a narrow iron bed , covered by a patched quilt , and at its foot was a large suitcase .
9 All pipework is fully insulated and the whole filter unit is covered by a padded insulation cover .
10 Her slender body trembled helplessly as she lay gazing up at his tall , lithe figure , her normally pale cheeks covered by a hectic flush of rising excitement .
11 The rundown of Aycliffe Hospital would also affect the district budget although financial risks should be covered by a bridging policy agreed with mental handicap services throughout Darlington and Teesdale .
12 Construction is let in a single design and build contract to the TML of which 40% ( including the terminals and approach roads ) is covered by a fixed price arrangement adjustable for inflation , 10% ( including the shuttle rolling stock ) by competitive tendering arrangements , and 50% ( tunnel construction ) by a target price arrangement .
13 They must have been such wonderful beings , and now even the legacy of their environment was being rewritten by the humans , changed with every curved floor covered by a flat grille , every piece of art ripped from the walls and studied out of context , every subtle nuance of space filled with metal and plastic , neural net cabinets , stores , machinery , even people .
14 The body lay sprawled , its face covered by a dirty rag .
15 Ours was glancingly Tudorbethan and called ‘ The Oaks ’ ; others had clearly been inspired by visits to Spain and were called ‘ Casa-something-or-other ’ ; one or two bore hints of castellation and crenellation and were appropriately named after some of the statelier English homes ; while Syl 's house had been conceived in a dour Regency style by a less fertile imagination and its grey dressed stones were covered by a great pelt of ivy .
16 All these can be covered by a simple set of wording in your Will which we would be happy to provide .
17 In practice the proposed social measures — the right of every worker to be covered by a collective agreement , the right of workers to lifelong educational opportunities , and so on — seem modest enough , but have provoked vigorous opposition in right-wing economic circles in the UK .
18 This survey is a comprehensive source of information on various aspects of earnings , including the make-up of earnings ( gross , shift , incentive pay , etc ) , whether the employee was covered by a collective agreement , the occupation of the employee , etc .
19 In some cases the districts alone have established joint committees within the area covered by a top-tier authority .
20 The cost of operating the exchange could be covered by a small transfer charge , based perhaps on a ‘ height × distance from the road ’ basis .
21 There was a large ceiling support bracket on each window pillar , an ornate lintel board over the door ( later covered by a small notice board ) and a perforated ventilation board in the top of the door over the window .
22 It was easy to see why the police would have missed it : from outside , it was just a concrete hardstand , perhaps the foundation for an old shed , and the opening led through a shallow pit that was usually jammed with rubbish and covered by a corrugated iron sheet .
23 the shallow sandy bay was backed by a barren green hillside , covered by a vast scattering of dark grey rocks .
24 In 18 patients , successive ERCPs and cholangioscopies have shown that the metal mesh initially embeds in the bile duct wall and is rapidly covered by a continuous membrane by three months .
25 If a bill of lading was issued either by a carrier or by its employee or agent whose authority included receiving goods and issuing bills of lading , the carrier was liable for damages : a ) to the owner of the goods covered by a straight bill of lading ; or b ) to the holder of an order bill who gave value in good faith , and who relied upon the description of the goods or upon their shipment on the date shown .
26 I was all agog with curiosity for I had glimpsed a cart , covered by a black damask cloth , arriving outside the main door of the church .
27 He stood before the rusty , blood-stained block , his face covered by a black hood as he leaned on a great two-edged axe .
28 Seen through the passing traffic a bearded man in an army cap and mirror shades emerged — the bulging muscles of his torso scantily covered by a black vest — jacket thrown casually over the shoulder — he paused and then walked slowly off the screen .
29 The tremolo routing is excellent and any overspray or rough wood underneath has been neatly covered by a black foam mat , further adding to the well-made look of the guitar .
30 She saw a tall woman in the mirror , shapely , body closely covered by a black leotard scooped deeply at the neck .
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