Example sentences of "covered from head [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The visitors were covered from head to foot in over-ripe whale bits .
2 He was presented to the Headmaster in his sleeveless jacket , ragged trousers and covered from head to foot in dirt .
3 So is a very brave Jane Hollis who really should be covered from head to foot to cope ; with even Lossiemouth 's best day !
4 He said on the Brian Hayes Show : ‘ It 's an absolutely appalling place … they are covered from head to foot in freckles and have red hair . ’
5 The nun who admitted them appeared to be covered from head to foot apart from her eyes , nose , and mouth , for after she had bolted the gate behind them she tucked her bare hands into her sleeves , then led the way up a gravel path , on either side of which a lawn extended as far as a further high , stone wall , its top also embedded with glass .
6 Soon he surfaces from a vat of hot tar , covered from head to foot ; the ‘ tar ’ was really food flavouring .
7 A friend of mine who took part in such a march in Greenwich , Connecticut , headquarters of the Pittston Group , said that first came the airline pilots in their dark blue uniforms and gold braided hats ; then the telephone workers all dressed in red shirts ; and then the miners covered from head to toe in camouflage .
8 ‘ What else can it be when you 're covered from head to toe in foul little pustules ? ’
9 I could n't tell much about him as he was covered from head to toe in red crash helmet with black visor , red riding leathers and red boots .
10 But most of them would have a neck that was quite high ; modesty was getting to be a really important factor , so we 're covered from head to toe .
11 The corpse which lay there was frozen hard , that of an old man covered from head to knee in a loose , threadbare gown .
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