Example sentences of "passed on to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We asked the prime ministers office for a comment — and were passed on to the treasury , which told us that the conditions for economic recovery are very much in place , but people in Cheltenham we spoke to were having none of it .
2 We asked the prime ministers office for a comment — and were passed on to the treasury , which told us that the conditions for economic recovery are very much in place , but people in Cheltenham we spoke to were having none of it .
3 Part of the lessor 's cashflow benefit from the consequent reductions in his tax bill is passed on to the lessee by way of lower rentals , reducing the lessee 's effective finance cost .
4 Kadi Ayatholugh , muderris in Aghras ( Agras , now Atabey ) , then passed on to the service of Molla Khidr Bey ( Hizir Bey : d. 863/1459 ) -later to become the first kadi of Istanbul but at this time muderris at the Sultan medrese ( the medrese of Mehmed I ) in Bursa — becoming his .
5 The completed report cards were then passed on to the SCC for discussion , after which the details would be forwarded to either the association of SCCs ( covering a wider area than a single school ) , the ASEA , or to some other agency , such as the Girls ' Friendly Society , the Metropolitan Society for Befriending Young Servants or the Recreational Evening Schools Association .
6 They 're worried cash paid to the brokers has n't been passed on to the insurance companies .
7 Again these comments should be passed on to the expert .
8 If you do not want to go to the police , ring Sunday Life on Belfast 331133 ext 4316 and your message will be passed on to the McDermotts .
9 The benefits of these cost savings can be passed on to the franchisee .
10 Ward 's counsel also suggested that at the time of her original trial large amounts of vital evidence had not been passed on to the defence .
11 probably by going to these meetings I can pick up the be best practice for ideas which can be passed on to the others
12 we refer victims onto victim support groups , if its a case of rape then their passed on to the rape counsellor 's and also
13 And so it 's passed on to the person in the school or college responsible for that .
14 The Institute also received its first complaint about the way it has fulfilled its role as an RSB : this has been passed on to the Institute 's ombudsman Anthony Surtees for review .
15 A hot potato is being passed on to the courts and ministers are safe in the knowledge they can hold up their hands and say : ‘ We tried everything we could ’ . ’
16 And the extra production costs will undoubtedly have to be passed on to the motorist .
17 Very low prices ( the retailer makes savings through bulk buying , and overheads are lower than in a central location — part of these savings is passed on to the customer )
18 Food industry sources described the prediction as ‘ alarmist ’ and insisted only part of the increase in the farmgate prices would be passed on to the customer .
19 The fact that they carry large stocks and are generally located in prestigious and expensive locations means that overheads are high and these must be passed on to the customer .
20 Most UK institutions charge loans on a floating rate basis such that they match floating rate liabilities , but this merely increases credit risk , as interest rate risk is passed on to the customer , with subsequent greater probability of defaults occurring .
21 The document is basically a briefing document in order that every piece of information erm that is available to the police is then able to be passed on to the officers who are actually going to do the job .
22 How much of this delightfully frank list of requirements the Earl passed on to the man he approached for the job of chairman , the art historian Sir Kenneth Clark ( Winchester and Oxford ) , is not recorded .
23 The form should then be passed on to the Computer Services Department .
24 Significant quotes from players were passed on to the writers who heard , for example , that the Europeans had a " quiet " lunch after the opening foursomes , that Tony Jacklin did n't sleep too well one night , that Strange and Kite do n't hit it as far as some , that the Americans were " stunned " after the first day and that , mostly , players thought the crowds behaved reasonably well .
25 Those costs have been passed on to the residents , so the gap has widened .
26 Clients have been known to send the factor invoices before the goods have been shipped , to create fictional ‘ fresh air ’ invoices , or to pocket payments that should have been passed on to the factor .
27 If the last is the case then those profits will either be retained in the company and reinvested , or they will be passed on to the shareholders as increased dividends .
28 The cost of recent improvements will be passed on to the public .
29 In a highly competitive market the returns would be a satisfactory performance measure ; for a monopolist it might merely reflect that any inefficiencies in service have been passed on to the customers who have no choice but to pay the higher prices .
30 Years of close military co-operation , including joint work in missile development , have given Egypt valuable information about its former Iraqi ally , which has presumably been passed on to the Americans .
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