Example sentences of "passed [adv] [prep] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 They 've found a gene which they think could be passed on by parents to their children .
2 It follows from the above that the principal repayments of loans are not costs of running the minibus that have to be passed on in charges to the users .
3 It remains a secret , though it is said to be passed on from chairman to chairman in a discreet whisper .
4 Staff at Slimbridge say their 7,000 waterfowl are unlikely to be affected by the outbreak , which ca n't be passed on from bird to bird .
5 Genetics deals with how genes are passed on from parents to their offspring and a great deal is known about the mechanisms governing this process .
6 The specific components of chromosomes in turn are called genes , that familiar word describing how detailed information about the whole organism is passed on from generation to generation .
7 It is passed on from generation to generation in a chain , and is very difficult to break .
8 Sometimes a trait gets passed on from generation to generation , and sometimes it can be missed out altogether .
9 But psychological violence stays with you , it festers , it can be passed on from generation to generation . ’
10 This is one of the methods by which the history of the people is passed on from generation to generation .
11 The Row was a highly-traditional society where the skills of the trade were passed on from generation to generation .
12 So this is how one chance question at evening classes gets passed on from machine to machine .
13 Thereafter , the fieldworkers were passed on from person to person within the communities ; thus , the informant groups were self-recruited in that the speakers were not known to the investigators beforehand .
14 So stable were these chemical compounds that they were passed on from prey to predator by their accumulation in fatty tissue , involving a metabolic process which led to higher concentrations as the insecticide was passed along the chain .
15 By exaggerating these postures the differences were obvious but as the paddle strokes were passed on from instructor to instructor the artificial distortions were slowly adopted into reality .
16 Skills that are passed on from mother to daughter .
17 The idea that acquired characteristics or congenital injuries ( or calluses on the knees of camels , for example ) are passed on from father to offspring , was once taught by the Lamarckian school and is now discredited .
18 Their status was hereditary , land and titles being passed on from father to son .
19 ‘ Arts ’ , or crafts , relied on practice ; and these traditional activities were passed on from father to son , or at least master to apprentice , as Faraday learned bookbinding , and as Davy had begun to learn medicine .
20 The shape-specific polymers continued to be passed on from potency to potency even after none of the original solute was left in the solution .
21 He could also play a variety of instruments ( and passed on this ability to his children ) and knew songs and melodies which had never been written down — just passed on from ear to ear via generations of Dalesmen .
22 We want to see wealth and security being passed down from generation to generation .
23 Folklore has been passed down from generation to generation , some of it full of deep and obvious truth , some mere dogma of doubtful veracity .
24 Another is that as gooseberry growing is one of those traditions which are passed down from generation to generation , and fathers were still able to pass their bushes on to their sons .
25 These massive constructions of bamboo and paper , often passed down from year to year and re-covered for the next May festival by a new team , were far beyond the capacity of any individual flyer .
26 In fact , the problem seems to be determined genetically , which means that the tendency to hyperkinesis is passed down from parent to child .
27 These genes are duplicated along with the chromosomes at each cell division and can be passed down from parents to their offspring .
28 This means that harem females are being passed down from father to son in a patrilineal fashion .
29 Swords are often passed down from father to son , and may be extremely ancient family heirlooms that have drawn blood in thousands of battles .
30 They were easily built and repaired using tools and skills often passed down from father to son .
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