Example sentences of "moved from [num] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In general , if cells of vertebrate embryos are moved from one part to another of the early embryo they develop according to their new location and not from where they are taken .
2 The increased dose they would get from having Hinkley C on their doorstep , according to Jeremy Western ( a manager from the Board 's Health Physics department who confidently fronted the radiation case ) was less than if they had simply moved from one part of Britain to another — where the ‘ natural ’ background radiation happened to be higher .
3 Custodians are expected to inform each other immediately when children are moved from one part of the country to another , and the child 's name should be immediately registered in the new locality , pending a case conference .
4 It comprises a transmitter and a portable receiver which is designed to be moved from one location to another as required .
5 Mobility , ie liability to transfer to anywhere in the United Kingdom or abroad , is a condition of most Civil Service appointments at roughly Executive Officer level and above , and in certain other grades where the nature of the work requires staff to be moved from one location to another .
6 Inter-bank lending has grown over the years as money markets have become deregulated and as deposits are moved from one currency to another to take advantage of different rates of interest between different countries .
7 In a similar way dies were sometimes moved from one mint to another .
8 As the choristers sang a low chant in the background , the priest moved from one vessel to the next , praying for the fishermen to be kept safe from harm , and asking that the catch over the next year may be bountiful .
9 Perhaps the most compelling evidence of all comes from studies of people who have moved from one country to another — Japanese who have emigrated to California , for instance — and adopted Western diets .
10 CRITICALLY ill patients are being moved from one hospital to another in a desperate search for hospital beds , a medical expert revealed yesterday .
11 The leaders were moved from one club to another every six weeks and by means of rotation each club ( consisting of 10- year old boys ) experienced three different styles of leadership , under three different leaders .
12 Pupils will now be tested when they are deemed to have moved from one stage to another and the teacher will be free to determine when this is the case .
13 Accordingly , it may be the case that by the time this book is in your hands departments may have new names and policy responsibilities may have been moved from one department to another .
14 The hot Cyprus autumn moved from one week to the next , and Zacco prepared for his forthcoming triumph by installing himself in the moated citadel built by his great-grandfather at Sigouri , ten miles west of the besieged Famagusta .
15 The Magistrate 's eye moved from one doctor to the other over the passive rows of tattered skeletons and he forgot for a moment that he was as thin and ragged as they were .
16 The conveyor is moved from one end to the other keeping the load as level as possible while we top up the hold .
17 These can then be moved from one end of the string to the other .
18 The match started and the men watched intently as play moved from one end of the field to the other .
19 What was then a rumour — that the same units were moved from one place to another for his inspections — proved to be the truth .
20 A town which was moved from one county to another almost twenty years ago is to move back again .
21 While this was useful and did hold the attention of members interested in the specific subjects being examined , the subcommittees moved from one area of expenditure to another each session so that they developed no expertise and could not follow up previous work .
22 Hazlitt set out with Coleridge that morning on the road back to Shrewsbury , observing how his companion continually moved from one side of the footpath to the other as they walked along , though only later connecting this odd movement with ‘ any instability of purpose or involuntary change of principle ’ .
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