Example sentences of "moved [prep] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Like an all-night performance of Balinese gamelan or a Central African cult ceremony , the music moved through dusk until dawn .
2 Tanks and small army units moved into position in front of key government and communications buildings in Algiers and other towns .
3 The Bolsheviks , on the insistent urging of Lenin , moved with caution in relation to nationalisation during this period .
4 She tells us that when she met with one of her sons ‘ against his will ’ , they quarrelled , because she , ‘ some deal moved with sharpness of spirit ’ , insisted on telling him to flee the perils of this world ; the young man , doubtless angry at his mother 's squandering of his inheritance , ‘ sharply answering back ’ .
5 Newspapers have traditionally moved from profitability to loss and vice versa at regular intervals as their costs and revenues — always delicately balanced — have come under attack from a variety of quarters .
6 We have moved from consensus to conflict in politics : have we moved in that direction , too , as regards our constitutional order , taking that to mean the broad principles underlying the way government is organised and power exercised ?
7 Heavy freight would be moved from road to rail to make roads and villages safer .
8 The CAA 's Central Library has moved from Kingsway to Aviation House at Gatwick , where it is open for reference and sale of CAA publications from 0930–1630 Monday to Friday .
9 It 's author , John Godber , told me that working out how to stage the ski , the scenes on the slopes had been quite a headache for them , particularly as the set of course , has to be constantly moved from theatre from theatre as it tours round the country .
10 Like an out-take from Falcon Crest , Souness and his wife moved from villa to mansion and back again , but his incurable obsession with football ultimately led to divorce and to a painful separation which distanced Souness from his children .
11 The party moved from church to house .
12 Alternatively cards may be moved from pile to pile if they match the suit of the card underneath and have a lower face value .
13 Arrested and interned by the Germans , Adair was eventually moved from Bayonne to Fresne .
14 In some systems one crane serves more than one aisle and in this case is moved from aisle to aisle by an automatic transfer system .
15 He went over to the spot where Allen had hidden , ‘ … and then moved from tree to tree until he reached the path about twenty paces ahead .
16 Thus the Long Gilt suffered a mild setback in 1988 and 1989 as the public sector finances moved from deficit to surplus and the Treasury instituted a " buy-back " programme for long-dated gilts .
17 I was moved from home to home .
18 Bombed out of one small premises , Grandpa had moved from factory to factory , finally ending up in what was now Belmodes .
19 The 400 joule answer is correct if the load is moved from floor to floor , or the man always holds the load and moves from floor to floor .
20 Michael Howard , another standard-bearer for the Right , was moved from Employment to Environment , the largest Whitehall department .
21 Or have we moved from minor to major ?
22 In other words , how many bytes of data per second are moved from disk to memory .
23 ‘ In Xamdu did Cublai Can build a stately Palace , encompassing sixteene miles of plaine ground within a wall , wherein are fertile meddowes , pleasant springs , delightful streames , and all sorts of beasts of chase and game , and in the midst thereof a sumptuous house of pleasure , which may be moved from place to place .
24 Apart from needing internal return pipes of different lengths , the lid and powerhead could then just be moved from jar to jar .
25 In the space of only two weeks , the Slovak lawyer has moved from dissident to defendant to government minister .
26 Squash at Harlow Sportcentre has moved from strength to strength , starting with just two courts when the centre first opened .
27 During the exchange itself he 'd moved from suspicion to disbelief to disgust and finally to acceptance of Estabrook 's proposal .
28 As speakers switch , so the deictic centre , on which the rest of the deictic system hangs , is itself abruptly moved from participant to participant .
29 Frogs should not be moved from pond to pond says the Essex Wildlife Trust because of the danger of spreading red leg disease — a fatal disorder that turns the legs blood red before death .
30 These include specialist drugs , such as erythropoietin and growth hormone , being moved from hospital to primary care , mostly because hospitals are cash limited and primary care budgets are not .
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