Example sentences of "included [noun] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Other observations included meetings of the Project Coordinating Team , the Inservice Panel , a number of inservice events , trips to library suppliers and book exhibitions at the County Library Headquarters .
2 A local authority scheme which included plans for the abolition of certain grammar schools was altered following a local election at which the party in power changed from Labour to Conservative .
3 The day 's action , which included activities throughout the North , was titled Be A Brick on April Fools Day .
4 His work included investigations into the effect of gonadal hormones on sexual differentiation of the brain during neonatal life , and into the isolation of hypothalamic releasing factors .
5 Proposals considered by the commission included removal of the post of Governor from the political arena , the creation of the post of Chief Minister and the inclusion of a bill of rights in the Constitution .
6 He had been responsible for a number of important buildings which , as well as the Public Record Office , included part of the Ordnance Office ( 1850–1 ) , the Museum of Economic Geology in Piccadilly ( 1847–8 ) and the western portion of Somerset House ( 1851–6 ) .
7 Earnings per share in the period were five p but after taking into account exceptional Carpet Right gain this is reduced to two point eight p and compares to last year 's pro forma earnings per share of one point four million which included losses on the closing down of our operations .
8 Suggested areas for consideration included aspects of the school environment , communication , responsibilities and achievements , priorities and improvements .
9 This table of the Nations in Genesis 10 can hardly be more ancient than the seventh century B.C. Not much later Ezechiel or one of his disciples included Yavan in the lamentation for Tyre ( 27.13–19 ) .
10 Five of the schemes included practicals of the APU type , which like APU , vary in the amount of handling of equipment involved .
11 The data were obtained from Department of Education and Science statistics for education in the United Kingdom ( 1984 ) that included data on the distribution of full-time teachers in maintained secondary schools at the time of my study as shown in Table 6.1 .
12 Other measures included recognition of the right to strike and freedom of association .
13 At a meeting with Yeltsin on Nov. 3 , Civic Union 's representatives presented its " anti-crisis " economic programme [ see p. 39108 ] which included demands for the resignation of several prominent reformist ministers .
14 Many of the demands related to Japanese control of substantial areas of Chinese territory ; the fifth and final section included demands for the installation of Japanese ‘ advisers ’ at all levels of the administration , armed forces and police .
15 Nirje 's more detailed definition included reference to the importance of normal rhythms of life , daily , weekly and yearly ; normal developmental experiences such as leaving home in adulthood ; and normal respect and understanding ( Nirje , 1980 ) .
16 My nocturnal escapades sometimes included visits to the school kitchens , where I ate bananas , leaving a mound of their skins conspicuously on one of the tables , and quantities of ice cream , which I scooped up in handfuls , defiling the common stock with the unhygienic touch of my individuality .
17 These reserves included balances with the Bank of England , money at call , bills of exchange and government bonds with less than one year to maturity .
18 The Islamic fundamentalist Welfare Party ( RP-Refah Partisi — led by Necmettin Erbakan ) entered parliament for the first time , with 62 seats , on an agenda which included withdrawal from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) and renunciation of efforts towards EC membership .
19 Gaver 's recent doctoral thesis at the University of California , San Diego , included work on the use of sound in computer interfaces .
20 His fellowships and honours were numerous and included membership of the Iron and Steel Institute , the Institution of Mechanical Engineers , the Royal Institution , and the Institute of Refrigeration , of which he was president in 1914–15 .
21 ( Since the income of the infirmary included contributions from the town as well as rural parishes , this would appear to be an early example of a circular movement of funds with which those acquainted with today 's public services may be familiar . )
22 It also included statements by the Palm Beach police detailing how they were misled when they went to the estate to speak with Senator Kennedy and Smith on March 31 .
23 Detailed inspection of the aircraft included examination of the structure , the seats and seat belts , the flying control system , the instrumentation and the fuel system , and strip examination of the engine .
24 The total prize money this year was £4,700 which included £600 to the school of architecture attended by the winning entrant .
25 On May 14 , 1990 , bombings in Santiago , which included attacks against the Defence Ministry and the US consulate , reportedly caused extensive damage but only minor injuries .
26 It included questions on the presence and frequency of stool soiling , and treatment being given such as stool softeners , laxatives , suppositories , enemas , or others , and their dose and frequency of use and if day wetting or night wetting was present at the time of follow up .
27 Other elements of the agreement included reforms of the judiciary and the electoral system , extensive human rights safeguards , economic and social issues including agrarian reforms , and the resettlement of peasants .
28 The last-mentioned included provisions against the acquisition of Hatchards , which landed the group with unwanted properties it has so far been unable to sell .
29 From the 1920s onward , efforts were made to rationalize and control southern whaling , notably through the International Whaling Commission ; protective measures included prohibitions on the killing of the most heavily depleted species , protecting immature whales and females with calves , and the introduction of seasonal quotas .
30 Prior to departure the pilot obtained weather information from the Newcastle Airport briefing facility , which included perusal of the Met Form 214 ( Upper Winds ) and Form 215 ( Fixed Time Forecast Chart ) .
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