Example sentences of "arrived [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 People from all over the world began to make pilgrimages to Monkey Mia and some 200,000 visitors arrived during the 1989 season .
2 Simultaneous with the emergence of the swept wing shape and its cambered sails stretched either side of a central spine , there were other innovations which arrived during the same development period .
3 Tension was mounting as preparations got underway for the first ever race between a balloon , a steamroller … and a narrowboat.As entrants arrived for the annual steam rally at Upton , the contestants in the battle of the giants were all expressing optimism.Balloonist Chris Viles reckoned he was in with a good chance :
4 That Wednesday a letter also arrived for the young Vicomte de Chagny .
5 A few minutes later , Andy Tyrie , Supreme Commander , UDA , arrived for the cancelled meeting .
6 On Aug. 16 , as a shipment of UN relief arrived for the first time in the southern port of Kismayo , a local militia which had been hired to protect it stole 600 tonnes of food and fuel .
7 I arrived for the American premiere and these ghosts made no sense at all .
8 He arrived as the black district of Watts , Los Angeles was exploding .
9 Brasher Boots arrived about the same time as the K-SB3 , but were developed from the running shoe .
10 It arrived via the diplomatic bag on Saturday morning .
11 Accompanied by his wife , whom he had married shortly before sailing , Johnson arrived with the first fleet and celebrated the first Anglican service under ‘ a great tree ’ at Sydney cove on 3 February 1788 .
12 Beuno arrived with the lengthening shadows , bearing a dead pheasant .
13 When Penry arrived with the promised drink he also brought a hot-water bottle .
14 The waiter arrived with the next course and they reverted to politics , talking Spanish again , Ward 's tone , his whole manner softened .
15 The waiter arrived with the red wine they had ordered , and Loretta took a decision .
16 The waiter arrived with the third bottle of Valpolicella and Urquhart poured himself a glass with the same relish as if it were his first .
17 The young Genoese picked his way over the wreckage and , gripping Nicholas , arrived before the same door as it opened again .
18 The courtyard was filling with horses as staff officers , all alerted by the distant musketry , arrived from the various brigade headquarters to seek information and orders .
19 He arrived from the deep country to attend university .
20 The Fat Controller and I were back inside the bolt when it arrived from the bonded warehouse at Felixstowe .
21 As we drank our coffee , a lorry arrived from the main group to pick up Macier whose blisters had burst , preventing him from walking .
22 And hardly had the congratulations died down when a bronze awards for safety performance arrived from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents .
23 In 209 BC spoils arrived from the Greek city of Tarentum , in south-east Italy .
24 The first 180 of 300 Iraqi Kurdish refugees living in Turkey who were to be accepted by France arrived in the latter country on Aug. 1 , 1989 .
25 It was almost totally dark when they arrived in the stable yard and Catherine jumped involuntarily as something moved and rattled against the boards .
26 Lucy Cecil married a missionary , the Rev. John Hay , and accompanied him to Vishakhapatnam , where they arrived in the unhealthy monsoon season of 1844 .
27 When she arrived in the outer office , she sat at her desk , trembling , hoping Damian would not appear all day , but of course she was lying to herself again , appalled by her own desire .
28 ALTAN 'S LAST record , ‘ The Red Crow ’ , arrived in the final weeks of 1990 , a season when the huge stars normally hog all the attention and life is quiet in the Bush League of humble folkie bands .
29 The first thing that I noticed when I arrived in the dusty Managua airport , besides the tanks parked in the landing field , was an enormous poster of an unmistakable Daniel Ortega , clad in blue jeans and a cowboy shirt , holding an infant with an earring .
30 A few months later , a champion European bull arrived in the diplomatic bag .
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