Example sentences of "sight [prep] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 We were standing in the loft , watching them flying over the fields for half an hour , until darkness fell and we lost sight of them in the gloom .
2 An Auxiliary Coastguard at St Abbs had spotted two of the divers from the harbour wall , but lost sight of them in the spray .
3 Now and then they lost sight of him below the skyline .
4 I 'd caught sight of him in the distance from time to time all afternoon , but now when I wanted him his red hair was n't anywhere around .
5 ‘ I caught sight of him in the garden a moment ago — at least , I 'm pretty sure that brooding silhouette was his , looming in the shrubbery — and he was n't seducing anyone as far as I could see . ’
6 Gabriel lost sight of him in the press .
7 It was n't until the weekend that he started to pine for some entertainment other than the sight of himself in the bathroom mirror .
8 Like amber , the snake , soft still and quiescent ; the thought of her , then , the sight of her under the covers , had not yet woken it .
9 Dr Neil , coming into the parlour where McAllister was permitted to knit and sew , caught his breath at the sight of her with the doll .
10 As she passed through the gate , to walk beside the stream , Bob Lamb caught sight of her from the other bank of the beck .
11 The sight of her in the old tatty jumpers she slept in always brought him back to reality .
12 She tried to convince herself he was still there — smirking at the sight of her in the ropes he 'd tied to her naked body .
13 He was suddenly moved by her physically , as he had been by the sight of her in the film .
14 She followed , trying to spot a public phone , and she had just caught sight of one at the corner of the building when he came out of the office , a key in his hand .
15 I caught sight of myself in the peeling mirror : long thin legs , blue from the cold , clashing with the bright pink mini-dress which began at my neck and finished at my knickers .
16 I caught sight of myself in the peeling mirror : long thin legs , blue from the cold clashing with the bright pink mini-dress which began at my neck and finished at my knicker legs …
17 I caught sight of myself in the mirror . ’
18 I catch sight of us in the mirror and see from the outside what I 'm doing .
19 Molly caught sight of herself in the mirror , standing beside her daughter .
20 As Blanche snatched up the telephone and listened to the reassuring hum of the dialling tone , she caught sight of herself in the mirror on the wall : the shimmer of sweat on her forehead , eyes wild , face haggard and pale , hair stormy and unkempt , knuckles bruised and sore .
21 As she dried , she caught sight of herself in the mirror .
22 As she went out she caught sight of herself in the mirror at the back of the counter .
23 At the sight of herself in the mirror , an image of herself from so long ago , all the shock came back , taking her by surprise .
24 Catching sight of herself in the long wall-mirror as she pulled a peach-coloured , button-necked nightshirt over her head , she found herself wondering what Guy was doing .
25 As the organisers could n't find any reason to suppress it or reject it , they dumped the piece behind screens where it could no longer be seen and we lost sight of it for the whole exhibition .
26 It is selective and hard to observe though you may catch sight of it in the tree canopy feeding on wood boring insects .
27 Many officers routinely make an impressionistic assessment of quality , with a sniff of the water in the sample bottle or a sight of it against the light .
28 The long , low island of Lismore away to the east was Campbell ground , and the great fortress of Dunstaffnage out of sight beyond it on the mainland .
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