Example sentences of "reported have [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Membership of the PDS was reported to have declined from 2,400,000 in 1989 to 250,000 in May 1991 .
2 Several thousand Estonians were reported to have demonstrated on 23 August , the date of the pact 's signature ; still larger numbers , between 7,000 and 10,000 , were reported to have demonstrated in Latvia ( where substantial demonstrations also occurred in June 1987 to commemorate those who had been deported from the republic by the Soviet authorities in 1941 ) .
3 Although industrialists were reported to have reacted with guarded optimism to the plan , many independent economists were agreed that the revenue increases would not cover all projected government spending , and that the government would thus be compelled to delay payments , including those on foreign debt service .
4 Castro is reported to have said in private that ‘ we shall not make the same mistake twice ; we shall not break with the Russians after having broken with the Americans ’ ( Suárez : 1967 , p. 175 ) .
5 ‘ It is too good to be true ’ , he is reported to have said in astonished delight , for he now had in Paris the new French Sixth Army , and Kluck , by his change of direction , would shortly expose his right flank and rear to shattering attack from the west .
6 Crowds of 100 to 400 people were reported to have gathered in various parts of the city , chanting anti-EPRDF , anti-US and pro-Ethiopian unity slogans .
7 In another incident up to 80 Croatian police officers and at least 35 civilians were reported to have died on 1 August in the village of Dalj in Slavonia .
8 Three people were reported to have died in separate incidents of pre-election violence .
9 Ahead of the independence declaration , 230 Serbs from the border region of Croatia were reported to have fled into neighbouring Vojvodina .
10 President Joseph Saidu Momoh was reported to have fled to neighbouring Guinea on April 30 after mutinous soldiers said that they had seized control of the country .
11 About 10,000 civilians from Manerplaw and the surrounding villages were reported to have fled to temporary refugee camps in Thailand .
12 The seizure of the strategic eastern town of Abéché on Nov. 30 effectively broke the resistance of Habré 's forces , who were reported to have fled in large numbers or defected to the MPS .
13 About 40 stags are reported to have disappeared in recent months .
14 The mass resignation of CPCz members from the party continued during January ; by Jan. 20 , 250,000 were reported to have left since early December .
15 He was reported to have acted on individual initiative , in expression of his radical Islamic sympathies .
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