Example sentences of "sitting at the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But when they were sitting at the oval table in the dining-room , eating Mrs Purry 's admirable steak and kidney pudding and drinking a full-bodied Burgundy , Penelope found herself next to Rupert , who talked very pleasantly about Italy , remembering that Penelope was shortly to visit Rome with the parish party , and told her of things she ought to see and restaurants where she might eat .
2 He derived some comfort from Rajiv 's habitual elegance ; wearing a suit , shirt and tie that must have cost two months of his salary as an Assistant Under-Secretary of State , he was sitting at the other side of the large , uncompromising desk that the Department provides for its most senior officials , not a hair out of place and his black eyes alive with amusement .
3 Laura was ironing at the kitchen table , John sitting at the other end of the table with a bottle and glass in front of him .
4 Jackson have long stood for high quality American instruments , with their Japanese- and Korean-made Charvel counterparts sitting at the other end of the corporate see-saw .
5 The man sitting at the other end of the bench took a quarter-bottle of whisky from the pocket of his torn donkey-jacket , twisted off the gold tin top and took a swig .
6 The block of paranoia sitting at the other end of the table minutely shifted shape .
7 The Conductor , in his grey suit with gold bars of long service on his left sleeve , was sitting at the first table past the kitchen , finishing his lunch .
8 The Magistrates sitting at the new Court buildings in Liskeard , dealing mainly with motoring offences , together with drunkenness and minor public order offences , are continuing a long standing tradition of ‘ grass roots ’ justice .
9 From the corner where she squatted on a stool , she watched Midnight quietly serving the six people sitting at the long table ; n the centre of the room and , in spite of her hunger , was impressed by the careful , unobtrusive way he worked — standing always on the left of each person , never knocking against them or even brushing the backs of their tall chairs .
10 I was usually summoned by telephone and invited round to Downing Street at 8 p.m. , when Wilson would be alone in the Cabinet room , which he preferred to any office or study , and where , sitting at the long Cabinet table , I often found myself in the seat normally occupied by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and enjoyed moments of brief delusional glory !
11 Was silly old Eli sitting at the wrong gate ?
12 Some of the people sitting at the big table did not even raise their eyes .
13 When he entered , she was sitting at the big table .
14 Adele Venetz , the sister that Wayne always thought of as the quiet one , had been sitting at the big rolling-out table as he 'd entered the restaurant kitchen .
15 Even if it means sitting at the same bar where Ronnie Kray 's victim sat twenty seven years ago .
16 Tonight I 'm sitting at the same table
17 It made him feel grown up sitting at the same table as real university students ; engineers and agricultural science students , law or medicine , they had all sat and studied around the Hegarty dining table while young Frank was working for his Intermediate and his Leaving Certificate .
18 On Sunday , after leaving my suitcase with the hall porter who was to see that it was in the Land Rover to meet me after the shooting , I enjoyed brunch in the Gleneagles restaurant sitting at the same table as the Princess Royal .
19 Nor are sharing cutlery , sitting at the next desk , going swimming or communal toilets .
20 The talk would take in all the great political and aesthetic themes : Jean-Paul Sartre would join in , for he would be sitting at the next table : together , artists and intellectuals would conquer life 's essential absurdity ; and from such discussions tomorrow 's painting would be born .
21 Having finished her spot , the soprano left the stage and rejoined her husband and the Concert Secretary who were sitting at the next table .
22 He wished that he could have listened to their conversation , but he would not have made much of it if he had been sitting at the next table .
23 I closed my eyes and thought about the trapped , compressed spring and the little slug sitting at the shiny bottom of the rifled tube .
24 ‘ We ca n't work out how he could have killed his wife while he was sitting at the opposite end of the table , ’ said Constable Bewman näively .
25 He had seen her sitting at the high table among the other ladies of noble birth who served the Empress .
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