Example sentences of "sitting at [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The answer to both your questions is yes , ’ she told the girl sitting at a long table on the far side of the room .
2 Geoffrey himself was sitting at a small desk .
3 Five minutes later she was sitting at a small table at the back of the dining-room , hidden from but within full hearing of the noisy bar .
4 The governor is sitting at a broad gilt table .
5 He could see Everett sitting at a tall stool , in an office not unlike Henry ‘ s , helping to build the wealth of the empire .
6 They were sitting at a round table .
7 He made for the travelling bookshop , where he found Jeffrey Archer sitting at a portable desk to one side of the bookstall .
8 Many of us have glanced across at a middle-aged couple sitting at a nearby table in a restaurant and noticed their complete lack of communication .
9 Some time later I heard a chink of glass and looked up to find Dennis sitting at a nearby table with a half-empty bottle of chilled rosé .
10 The youth is sitting at a little distance , his shepherd 's pipe in his mouth ; there is a charming simplicity in his dress and appearance ; he has a fine head .
11 Mike Dawson was sitting at a dead computer , strumming the keyboard and offering a toothy smile to an invisible audience .
12 A man sitting at a three-legged stool emptied a dustpan full of rubbish over his suit and then removed it with a battery powered mini vacuum cleaner .
13 A few years ago , the paedophile , strolling through the shopping mall , or sitting at a quiet table in Salad Binge or Just Desserts , might have coordinated his assignations — his intergenerational trysts — by mobile telephone .
14 IXI describes the software as a virtual workspace — the product enables users to operate and work in a windowing environment that extends well beyond the physical space constraint of their monitor , as if they were sitting at a huge screen .
15 She was sitting at a littered table with two noisy West Indians in colourful pullovers and a jaded , almost middle-aged fat lady with a fur coat .
16 Unbeknown to him , Mr Bill Muirhead of Saatchi and Saatchi , one of Mr Major 's key strategists , was sitting at an adjacent table and heard every word .
17 They were sitting at an outside table in one of the corner cafés of the Ataba el Khadra , out of reach of the traffic but strategically placed so that they could watch not only all the interesting things that went on in the square but also the more sophisticated exchanges which went on between tourist and native in Musky Street .
18 A man was sitting at an open window where he could watch the road .
19 But when they were sitting at the oval table in the dining-room , eating Mrs Purry 's admirable steak and kidney pudding and drinking a full-bodied Burgundy , Penelope found herself next to Rupert , who talked very pleasantly about Italy , remembering that Penelope was shortly to visit Rome with the parish party , and told her of things she ought to see and restaurants where she might eat .
20 He derived some comfort from Rajiv 's habitual elegance ; wearing a suit , shirt and tie that must have cost two months of his salary as an Assistant Under-Secretary of State , he was sitting at the other side of the large , uncompromising desk that the Department provides for its most senior officials , not a hair out of place and his black eyes alive with amusement .
21 Laura was ironing at the kitchen table , John sitting at the other end of the table with a bottle and glass in front of him .
22 Jackson have long stood for high quality American instruments , with their Japanese- and Korean-made Charvel counterparts sitting at the other end of the corporate see-saw .
23 The man sitting at the other end of the bench took a quarter-bottle of whisky from the pocket of his torn donkey-jacket , twisted off the gold tin top and took a swig .
24 The block of paranoia sitting at the other end of the table minutely shifted shape .
25 The Conductor , in his grey suit with gold bars of long service on his left sleeve , was sitting at the first table past the kitchen , finishing his lunch .
26 The Magistrates sitting at the new Court buildings in Liskeard , dealing mainly with motoring offences , together with drunkenness and minor public order offences , are continuing a long standing tradition of ‘ grass roots ’ justice .
27 From the corner where she squatted on a stool , she watched Midnight quietly serving the six people sitting at the long table ; n the centre of the room and , in spite of her hunger , was impressed by the careful , unobtrusive way he worked — standing always on the left of each person , never knocking against them or even brushing the backs of their tall chairs .
28 I was usually summoned by telephone and invited round to Downing Street at 8 p.m. , when Wilson would be alone in the Cabinet room , which he preferred to any office or study , and where , sitting at the long Cabinet table , I often found myself in the seat normally occupied by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and enjoyed moments of brief delusional glory !
29 Was silly old Eli sitting at the wrong gate ?
30 Some of the people sitting at the big table did not even raise their eyes .
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