Example sentences of "sitting [prep] [pers pn] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Ranulf the rat-catcher , Simon the tiler , and a host of others thronged the nave , sitting facing each other on the church 's two and only benches with Athelstan sitting between them on the sanctuary chair .
2 He straightened up and pulled another chair closer , sitting opposite her in an attitude of relaxed attention .
3 Following him out of the office and down into the street , sitting beside him in the cab which took them to Covent Garden , sitting opposite him in the warm restaurant full of good smells , candlelight , fresh flowers , her predominant feeling was one of surprise .
4 As I looked at him sitting opposite me on the floor of the trench , I was fascinated by his resemblance to the other Commandos I had met over the past five days .
5 Perhaps he should have directed his appeal directly to honest John sitting opposite me on the Treasury Bench , who may well be able to persuade his fellow member of Cabinet that he should
6 There was an old woman on sitting opposite me on the way home and she had two big I was looking and looking These are not real .
7 I looked at Taff sitting opposite me in the gloom , his hands wrapped around his hot mug of tea , his shoulders hunched forward .
8 Sitting below him in the well of No 3 Court , Private Eye 's editor Ian Hislop nodded his head vigorously in agreement .
9 ( I can picture the laibon as he told me this , his son sitting behind him on a rock flossing his teeth . )
10 But sitting behind him in the public gallery , some of the Nock family started to cry .
11 Can not you see him as well as myself ; Is he not sitting behind me at the bed 's head , to seize upon me for his victim , as soon as I have breathed my last ? ’
12 erm , the thing about it is is that I mean , one of we we 've at the minute we 've been faced with with some individuals reckoning that they have er rashes forming around the face er in a number of areas and there 's an indication that , and it 's nothing more than that , that it could actually be to do with the laser printers and people sitting near them in the light .
13 The man sitting with her on the sofa said , ‘ Are the kids in bed ? ’
14 He settled down with a dance student called Jane , then ‘ one day I was sitting with her in a train station and I realised I 'd been staring at a bloke for about ten minutes ’ .
15 They each had a radiator beside their beds , and very often when I was on night duty J. would return to bed very late ( or should I say early ? ) , after having been sitting with me in the Met Office , drinking coffee , chatting and so forth .
16 And yet here she was , sitting with him in the conservatory , her hand held in his , blushing beneath his gaze .
17 There was to her something romantic about the idea of sitting with him in the place where she had so often sat alone , eating a poached egg or macaroni cheese at a shaky little oak table .
18 At the far end of the yard the Duke had planted his branch in the ground and was sitting under it like a potentate .
19 He opened one locker only to see its contents cascade out , repeatedly bashing the head of the man sitting under it like a scene from a Laurel and Hardy film .
20 As he was relating his story , he suddenly realised that sitting before him among the directors was the sandy-haired man he had seen talking to Mr Dwerringhouse .
21 THE small , middle-aged woman sitting alongside me in the rowdy ringside throng did not look particularly important .
22 My bed is under the window ; you might be sitting on it in an hour 's time .
23 ‘ You need looking after yourself , ’ she said to Maggie , sitting beside her on the bed .
24 Sitting beside her in the first half were the managing director of Digital Equipment Mr Geoffrey Shingles , and the Chairman of the Sadler 's Wells Trust Professor Gerald Manners ; and in the second Mr Richard Martin director of Corporate Affairs at Digital , and Mr Jeremy Isaacs the Director of the Royal Opera House .
25 Never would he forget sitting beside her in the night air watching an open-air performance of The Parvenue and listening to the band at Fort House on Thursday evening .
26 Between mouthfuls of food I enquire from the Commando sitting beside me on the grass ‘ What is he up to with that pig ? ’
27 So here she was sitting beside me on the window-seat , shut in between a heavy curtain and a window .
28 Imagine : I was a bit pissed for a start , the object of my complete love was nesting in my rear-view mirror , the corpulent groom — my best friend — who had spent three weeks pleasuring her in the Hellenic sunshine was sitting beside me with a clank of duty-free between his calves , I 'd lost my job , and the other drivers on the road were all tuning up for Formula One .
29 He was sitting beside me in the jump seat or that generally occupied by a second pilot because in those days there were no flight engineers on twin-engined aircraft .
30 He had then been dragged behind the vehicle and held down while the man who had been sitting beside him during the journey drove the car over his legs .
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