Example sentences of "followed [prep] a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The boundary is located by the sharp change in n∼ and its movement is followed as a function of time using one or other of the optical methods available .
2 Internalization only followed as a consequence of that external conflict once the sons began to internalize the primal father through chronically ambivalent , guilt-ridden mourning for him .
3 Negotiations followed as a result of which M. signed a document , whereby he surrendered the lease in consideration of the landlord accepting goods , listed in an inventory made by the bailiffs , ‘ in full and final settlement of all claims and demands against me under the terms of the lease . ’
4 Togetherness and self-help in the birth process , followed as a matter of course by breast feeding , is now embraced with less evangelical fervour than it was by Fifties pioneer couples .
5 A distinctly mature audience had come to hear a band whose fortunes they 've followed for a quarter of a century .
6 This dramatic reduction has been accompanied by a major change in course provision ; during recent years , the three-year Certificate of Education course , followed for a minority of students by a fourth year leading to a Bachelor of Education degree , has been completely replaced by integrated three- and four-year courses leading to ordinary and honours BEd degrees respectively .
7 Twenty consecutive patients with AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis , defined from at least two characteristic lesions at endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography , were followed for a minimum of 10 months or until death .
8 Cotton also presented in 1987 17 patients , two ( 12% ) developed biliary related problems requring surgery , one having a stormy postoperative period but no deaths ; two had a second endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with duct clearance and five died of unrelated causes ; the remaining eight patients were followed for a mean of 39 months .
9 The Law Society has published a statement recommending the procedure to be followed in a case of exchange by telephone or telex ( [ 1980 ] Gazette , 13 February , 144 ) .
10 Davies v. Sumner is the leading authority on the meaning of the expression ‘ in the course of a business ’ and has been followed in a case under the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 , R. & B. Customs Brokers v. United Dominion Trust , where it was held that a business 's buying of two or three cars over a period of five years was an insufficient degree of regularity for the latest such purchase to be regarded as made in the course of the business ( see paragraph 10–18 above . )
11 Nevertheless the problem remains of explaining why sex differential rules arise and are followed in a language at all .
12 The procedures which must be followed before a trial in the High Court or county court should be used by the parties to expose the real area of difference between them and concentrate attention upon it .
13 I have come to the conclusion that the important points here are that ( i ) since there was no danger at this time in registering a protest , ( ii ) the final payments were made without any qualification , and ( iii ) were followed by a delay until July 31 , 1975 , before the owners put forward their claim , the correct inference to draw , taking an objective view of the facts , is that the action and inaction of the owners can only be regarded as an affirmation of the variation in June , 1973 , of the terms of the original contract by the agreement to pay the additional 10 per cent .
14 Next enjoy foie gras and sweetbreads , followed by a selection of sumptuous cheeses .
15 After the barbecue , which was accompanied by salad and jacket potatoes , came a sticky almond cake dessert , followed by a selection of local cheeses and fresh fruit .
16 The rest of the first half of the programme is given to Franz Lehar , with his great ‘ Gold and Silver Waltz ’ , followed by a selection from his evergreen success , ‘ The Merry Widow ’ ( 1905 ) .
17 The aptly named waltz , ‘ Vienna Blood ’ , is followed by a selection from ‘ The Gypsy Baron ’ ( 1885 ) .
18 All too often a Friday buying binge has been followed by a weekend of sober reflection and regrets in the cold light of Monday morning .
19 A sponsored swim at Dovercourt swimming pool is planned next month followed by a swim across the Stour later in the year .
20 It must be very hard for those fresh-faced New Georgians to realise that in their wake comes first the ruched blind , then the office use , followed by a bevy of Sock Shops , Tie Racks and Knickerboxes .
21 followed by a field of up to 12 upper case alphanumeric characters defining the creator , modifier , checker or approver of the module .
22 followed by a field of up to 12 upper case alphanumeric characters defining the creator , modifier , checker or approver of the module .
23 He is now likely to be off the track until Deauville in mid-August , followed by a tilt at the Breeders ' Cup .
24 In the present chapter , a brief account of the historical background to contemporary consumption will be followed by a resumé of some of the approaches to this issue found in various disciplines , one of which , the tradition stemming from Veblen 's work on goods as the expression of social differentiation , will be discussed in more detail .
25 In the economic forecasts issued together with the budget the government predicted a rise in unemployment to 3.8 per cent in 1992 and to 4.5 per cent in 1993 ( the highest levels since 1945 ) , and a fall in gross domestic product by 0.2 per cent in 1992 ( after a fall of 1.3 per cent in 1991 ) to be followed by a rise of 1.9 per cent in 1993 .
26 Prior to the general election , when many experts expected a Labour victory followed by a rise in base rates , there were several enticing bonds to go for .
27 Your doctor will expect a slightly lower reading in the middle part of your pregnancy , followed by a rise in the later weeks .
28 The setback before Rheims was followed by a campaign of devastation in the Ile-de-France and Beauce , but shortly after Easter Edward and the Dauphin agreed to resume negotiations .
29 The Serbs have done most of the killing , and the rejection of the Vance-Owen plan by the self-proclaimed Serb parliament in Bosnia , to be followed by a referendum on May 15th , confirms the judgment that they are the main aggressors .
30 Deputy Prime Minister Ashagre Yigletu , the Ethiopian government delegate , had on the eve of negotiations denied press reports that his government was prepared to offer Eritrea federal status to be followed by a referendum on independence .
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