Example sentences of "followed [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A refreshing and tangy Mango Sorbet followed as a second course for both .
2 It could only be followed for a limited period of time .
3 This road is followed for a short distance to a hairpin bend , where there is a signpost which clearly points the direction of Rutli .
4 ‘ Push ’ , ‘ discipline ’ or ‘ dig in ’ came hissing forth , and were once followed with a hilarious bellow when Parke made an injudicious shot selection : ‘ brain' .
5 Every now and then a new game appears which sends the press wild with appraisal and is usually followed with a roaring applause at the ECTS annual awards ceremony .
6 In the West of Scotland , South Wales , and Fast London — all areas of significantly high immigration — professional boxing was followed with a fierce passion and local fighters were folk-heroes .
7 Success followed with a double promotion triumph .
8 Marie-Claire then vanished into the house , followed in a straggling line by the students of French .
9 Their comrades followed in a steady stream , like water widening a hole in a dyke — and then Riven saw Mullach top the battlements with his hammer whirling about his head and the black moustache framing a snarl of a mouth .
10 It might therefore be worth trying to get permission and , if granted , the private road can be followed on a rough surface for five miles .
11 Wilson therefore regularized a practice he had begun in 1964 when outsiders such as Professors Nicholas Kaldor and Robert Neild had been recruited into the Treasury , a practice which Heath had followed on a smallish scale .
12 This motion is shown on the left of Fig. 10.1 for a set of test masses originally at rest in a circle in the xy plane : their displacements are followed over a complete cycle .
13 Bunny followed at a discreet distance .
14 Gustave often followed at a discreet distance .
15 The men followed at a small distance .
16 The tall slim blonde woman in the navy tailored suit walked smartly from the office , followed at a slight distance by Emily Lightbody .
17 Sarah kept out of sight , then followed at a careful distance , swinging a basket .
18 He seems to be moving towards dropping plans for a White Paper setting out various proposals , followed at a later stage by legislation .
19 The senator fell into step beside me while some of Bonefish 's smaller children followed at a safe distance .
20 Although it carries a slight risk of giving false positive results , if followed by a rectal examination it gives a good indication of the presence of prostate malignancy , which can be further confirmed by ultrasound and biopsy .
21 Rough scree led down into a wide , sandy amphitheatre followed by a gentle descent over grassy hillsides to a pleasant campsite in a meadow , complete with sparkling stream , beneath the majestic cliffs of the nameless Peak 41 ( 6654 m ) .
22 A short crossing over the peat groughs to the south and you are soon peering from one of the eroded rocky buttresses down into Grindsbrook , whose eastern fork provides entertaining scrambling over rocky steps followed by a gentle amble , perhaps in the gathering gloom , down the widening track and fields to the twinkling lights of Edale .
23 They fired mortars from the roof , the ping-pong noise of the projectile followed by a distant rumble .
24 All I needed was a little bit of luck and as I pressed , dry mouthed , along the empty street it seemed I had found it The shock when I saw the two burly SPs strolling towards me was like a blow but was immediately followed by a strange calm .
25 It was followed by a strange feeling of detachment , as if she 'd suddenly gone somewhere else .
26 It is usually followed by a substantial improvement in the patient 's condition .
27 It is not so , except perhaps in the most formal of speaking styles , where a sentence may fall to a low point in the voice and be followed by a substantial silence , and we know that it has come to an end .
28 The figures show a similar fall in the share of social product taken by government between 1979 and 1982 , of somewhat more than 6 per cent , followed by a substantial recovery in 1987 .
29 Paragraph 21 exposes a gap , pointing out that an innocent acquisition followed by a dishonest decision to keep or dispose of the property was in general not larceny and that larceny by finding was committed only where at the time of the finding the finder believed that the owner could be discovered by taking reasonable steps .
30 Remember , you could combine trips ; or how about a tour followed by a relaxing week in whichever resort takes your fancy in this brochure ?
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