Example sentences of "seem to have [been] [vb pp] by " in BNC.

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1 Two different strategies seem to have been adopted by researchers in tackling the problems outlined in 7.5 and 7.6 , which are associated with the relationship between syntax and various types of meaning .
2 Operating in a bleeding French market , Compagnie des Machines Bull SA has a rapidly vanishing mainframe base , personal computer problems that only seem to have been exacerbated by the acquisition of Zenith Data Systems , which looks like a source of profitless volume , and a Unix strategy that is only just getting off the ground .
3 Certain kinds of employers ' combinations seem to have been hindered by antitrust legislation and this may help to explain the generally low level of organisation among employers .
4 The first published tensile tests seem to have been done by the French philosopher and musician Marin Mersenne ( 1588–1648 ) who was interested in the strength of the wires used in musical instruments .
5 In this case , however , though the style is recognizably Hitlerian ( apart from the accompanying specific instructions for implementing the boycott , which seem to have been composed by Goebbels ) , the ‘ appeal ’ was signed collectively by ‘ the Party Leadership ’ .
6 Tam Dalyell 's thoughts on the need for lead in petrol ( Forum , 31 March , p 908 ) seem to have been shaped by the glossy publications of a lead alkyl manufacturer .
7 Inflation as a problem dominated the late 1960s and 1970s , whereas the 1980s seem to have been characterized by both inflation and unemployment .
8 American railway architects in this period seem to have been fascinated by the notion of the integration of the station offices with the train-shed , for many of the stations which emerged from the grander developments of the 1850s and 1860s consisted of side buildings with the trains running into the interior through grand portals .
9 Except for a brief success for Wilson in London and Southampton , cooks and stewards seem to have been stimulated by his recruiting drive to set up their own organisation rather than to join the NSFU .
10 The profits of war were not to be found only in France : a grateful king rewarded his commanders with grants at home , and the wounds of 1341 seem to have been healed by success in war .
11 Here , as elsewhere ( Bittner 1965 ) , we seem to have been misled by an essentialist definitional procedure which concentrates on the differences between phenomena and neglects those other matters which they have in common .
12 Both aspects of the legal realist movement seem to have been influenced by pragmatism .
13 His ideas on sovereignty and social organization seem to have been influenced by sociological positivism and by Duguit in particular .
14 They might also have mentioned the hatters who seem to have been organised by 1700 and who had by 1777 a " congress " which made by-laws , extracted fines and sought to limit the number of apprentices masters could take .
15 In practice some rifts seem to be of the active type whereas others seem to have been initiated by passive rifting , although in many cases there is no consensus as to whether specific rifts are active or passive .
16 Agricultural produce flowed into it from the surrounding rural territory , some from estates which seem to have been owned by the temple , the rest in the form of tribute or offerings from the owners of private estates .
17 In some cases these seem to have been produced by surface impacts , but in other cases exposure to a rather strong magnetic field in the past seems to be required .
18 I seem to have been bombarded by your curiosity right from the start .
19 Popular movements between the late fourteenth and the early sixteenth centuries are best understood in the broader context of developments in peasant society , even although most such risings seem to have been prompted by political or fiscal considerations rather than by social grievances .
20 The pedals , too , seem to have been located by someone who has yet to discover the science of ergonomics .
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