Example sentences of "seem [to-vb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At first glance some strands of these otherwise opposed political forces seem to agree on the use of censorship to oppose pornography .
2 And those who get past the door seem to agree with the policy .
3 Quite often when a pair have shown all the signs of wanting to breed in the community aquarium and they are then moved into a breeding tank , they suddenly seem to go off the idea , Their new home is strange to them , and the male will want to establish his territory , move the decor , and generally prepare the tank to his satisfaction .
4 In her more recent works , avalanches of everyday objects seem to fall from the sky .
5 Mainly the sparks fly down off the wheel , but some seem to cling to the circumference all round then fly up into the operator 's face .
6 In a similar way the Desert Fathers , whose ascetical practices frequently seem to pass into the range of farce , are regarded at least with affection and more often with deep admiration , partly of course because of the delightful anecdotery that has collected around them , and is known to us through the works of writers like Helen Waddell .
7 ‘ But they seem to trust in the power of the nine-tailed whip , and they will continue in that until a regiment breaks out of its barracks and makes its own way home . ’
8 And they seem to work on the principle of allowing each other to do anything they like .
9 Some of those who comment on subjects such as the safe disposal of nuclear wastes seem to work on the assumption that the relevant sciences and technologies are standing still .
10 Politicians seem to work on the assumption that the early bird catches the voter .
11 It is the trick one uses to make one 's own answer seem to come from the child .
12 Yet for them , such a personality-type is compatible with their way of life , and even beneficial ( certainly , they never seem to suffer from the obesity that afflicts food addicts in societies with storable food-surpluses ) .
13 Step 6 List the triggers that seem to lead to the behaviour .
14 All the narrow streets eventually seem to lead to the harbour .
15 Sure , there are some A&R departments who seem to look at the money making potential first and last , and others with more artistic temperaments .
16 Opinions in the marketplace seem to point to the likelihood that in 1996 ; when the next stage of legislation is introduced , all small diesel engines will have to use catalysts .
17 The research is still continuing but conclusions to date seem to point to the fact that , although powers of reasoning are not necessarily enhanced , the speed at which the subject is able to reason or recall certainly is .
18 ‘ Statistics seem to point to the fact that Friday 13th is definitely unlucky ’ , said a spokesman .
19 But , in the absence of something in the context which suggests that narrower meaning , the authorities in the 19th century and earlier all seem to point to the conclusion that the requirement to establish a conviction requires a proof not only of the finding of guilt but also of the court 's final adjudication by sentence or other order .
20 Primary schools seem to manage with the term ‘ classroom teacher ’ and their cross-curricular approach may have much to offer the secondary curriculum .
21 Plans for global communications now often seem to rest on the semantics of international standards .
22 At a time when plans for global communications seem to rest on the semantics of international standards , Greg Grant looks back to the Victorian adventurers who conquered nature to put a communication girdle around the world .
23 The arch consists of two sets of colossal forearms , each weighing 20 tons and higher than the Arc de Triomphe , which seem to burst from the ground at opposite ends of a 90-metre public space .
24 The first type is casual encounters along the beat , so that neighbourhood police pass friendly comments with whoever they happen to meet , such as people working in front gardens , the unemployed , customers in shops , old folks trying to cross busy roads , mothers with young children in push-chairs and prams , young children being especially appealing to the older family men who seem to predominate in the Neighbourhood Unit , only one of whom is not married .
25 The origins of this marital-rape exemption seem to lie in the notion that the wife is the husband 's property , or that the wife promises intercourse on demand , but it has been defended in modern times on the basis that such cases raise essentially family matters , better suited to examination in a non-criminal court , and that in any case proof would be difficult .
26 Graham Greene sarcastically remarked of the latter that ‘ Both the director and the star seem to labour under the impression that they are producing something important ’ , and the film 's success was enough to assure Wilcox that Hungarian naughtiness should give way to solemn patriotism .
27 In one particular sphere , however , other legal systems seem to disagree with the practicality argument : namely , cases of sexual intercourse with a girl under 16 committed by a person in a position of trust towards her .
28 Equally , while bodies of knowledge seem to exist before the advent of each generation , it is only through what Berger and Luckmann have called the " social construction of reality " that this knowledge is sustained .
29 If the raw material of most of these ergs has been provided by other agencies , as differences in character between the surface wind-worked material and the sand at depth seem to indicate , then the locations of desert dunes , coastal dunes and periglacial dunes all seem to depend on the concentration of sand provided by some.other factor .
30 Furthermore , we found that the results of the assay seem to depend on the volume of hydrogen peroxide used .
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