Example sentences of "seem [to-vb] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You may be right but some people seem to dramatize a commonplace misfortune and turn it into a cult .
2 However , there are also two general principles which seem to signal a particular emphasis in the public sector .
3 I take two examples which I find seem to embrace the fateful aspects of my life in the Service .
4 Taken together , even with this small sample , these results seem to indicate a significant correlation between readers ' familiarity with the SF genre and their likely perception of the meaning and coherence of the text .
5 Some of the four million annual visitors seem to find the mere ascent insufficiently fulfilling .
6 They seem to find the sexual promenading of the warriors amusing .
7 I know how much you two enjoy a good tiff , and I seem to provide a convenient topic for it .
8 So far as desktop publishing goes the dominant range here is supplied by Bitstream , indeed most packages seem to provide the basic Dutch ( Times ) and Swiss ( Helvetica ) faces free of charge .
9 ‘ Since most experts seem to preclude a major upturn in energy prices before the end of the century , we may have to develop a combination of policies and taxes to stimulate the market for improvements in efficiency now as insurance against disruptions from climate change later . ’
10 It is an elegant way to travel , much better than waiting for the buses which , at this time of year , seem to come every other Tuesday .
11 Developer conferences these days seem to harbour a deep-seated resentment of Microsoft and , unfortunately , Allchin is not the most charismatic senior executive that Microsoft could have fielded — frankly he killed himself by an overlong demo ( and let us not forget that Gates himself is probably the only competitor to Jobs ’ title of demo king ) that crashed a couple of times .
12 I seem to remember an American thesis writer who crashed to the ground over this contorted problem , and I am sure that both Worsley and Sir John Summerson ( who contributes an elegant introduction to Mansbridge 's book ) would concur that mystery still surrounds the problem of Nash the draughtsman .
13 I seem to remember the Labour Party being dragged down what proved to be a very long dark road indeed by the trade unions .
14 I seem to remember the other evening — ’
15 As for Miss Kenton , I seem to remember the mounting tension of those days having a noticeable effect upon her .
16 Thus the archaeocyathids ( or Pleospogia ) of the Cambrian , certain brachiopods and forams in the Permian and the rudistid bivalves in the Cretaceous all seem to parallel the present equator .
17 These two assumptions , when combined with Contrast , become equivalent to Markman 's ( 1984 ) principle of Mutual Exclusivity , and seem to reflect a fundamental factor in the organization of conceptual categories — namely , categories should be organized , at least initially , in non-overlapping fashion at the same level ( see also Shipley and Kuhn , 1983 , and Clark , in preparation ) .
18 Simplicity and ceremonial seem to express the changing pattern of Nonconformist worship but that worship was only part of a wider search for dignity , a dignity which was mainly realized in the new and improved buildings Nonconformity was erecting up and down the country .
19 Delia Marr graphically demonstrates her sincere affection for dogs of all kinds through paintings which seem to express the very soul of her subjects
20 JD says that for some reason the rails also seem to amplify the high frequencies , but ca n't say why .
21 On the other hand the loss of heather has meant a contraction of the breeding-grounds for birds like golden plover , dunlin , and perhaps whimbrel , although the post-breeding flocks of these species seem to favour the re-seeded grassland .
22 Previous work has used this characteristic to suggest a sub-lithospheric component that is more akin to MORB than to OIB , whereas the Os isotope data seem to favour an OIB-like component .
23 I seem to hear the stuck pig shriek
24 The words " receiving " " undertaking " and " arranging " all seem to suggest a positive act , but " assisting " covers omissions , provided that there is a legal duty to act : Brown [ 1970 ] 1 QB 105 ( CA ) — allowing another to place stolen goods on his property .
25 ‘ I seem to expect the whole happiness and sweetness to come from you ’ , he wrote as he warned Helen that she should find a real need for patience with him .
26 At night , when faced with a choice between an unnecessary operation and repeated clinical review with the possibility of a perforated appendix later , junior doctors seem to prefer an uninflamed appendix as the lesser of two evils .
27 Busy industry bosses seem to prefer the cosmopolitan chaos of Paris to the charms of Birmingham .
28 This morning a rat poked his nose in , but they usually seem to prefer the main hold .
29 Recently-hatched dogwhelks ( plate 1b ) are found at the same level as their capsules and seem to prefer the empty cases of barnacles to the shells of living or dead mussels .
30 Users also seem to play an important role in silicon based semi-conductors and electronic sub-assemblies on printed circuits .
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