Example sentences of "through into [art] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Tim , 32 , said : ‘ She always got upset when we were apart and cried as usual as she went through into the departure lounge .
2 Water pouring through into the kitchen water pouring down the electric wire of the lamp in the study !
3 And er then we were led through into the assembly area .
4 This can perhaps be interpreted as either a sign of policy changes feeding through into the yield curve or as a change in exchange rate expectations .
5 One evening off a week he had insisted on , and on those evenings Mr or Mrs Crumwallis occasionally poked their noses through into the boarding annexe and yelled ‘ Shut up ’ through the riot proceeding there .
6 Although advisory staff delivered warnings on this matter , they were not always followed through into the PNP INSET programme .
7 He opened the forward door of the horse van with a key , and with a key also let us through into the baggage car .
8 Quigley beat me through into the back kitchen .
9 Without waiting for or expecting a reply , Martha and the reluctant Tilda walked through into the back office .
10 This control is carried through into the dining room , a pleasantly airy space with 280 seats and a no-smoking section that has big windows looking towards Ilkley Moor .
11 Through into the dining room , a bay window overlooks the front lawn that slopes down to the stream .
12 Michael said , ‘ Miss Rachaela , please go straight through into the dining room . ’
13 When lunch was ready , we walked through into the dining room .
14 Mercer Lorrimore came through into the dining car followed by his wife , who looked displeased .
15 About half of the sixty-five guests had wandered through into the lecture hall , but since Anthea was due to give the address and she was still talking to the professor , there was time to spare .
16 When they 'd gone through into the lecture hall , I noticed the professor staring after them with a very odd look on his face — a stunned , frozen look .
17 In a fog I crawled out of bed to pick up a blanket which had fallen on the floor , and as I did so I glanced through into the living room and made out , in the darkness , Changez Lying on his camp-bed watching me .
18 This is also an easy scheme to continue through into the living room , linking the two areas .
19 She pushed the door wider and slipped through into the treadmill chamber again .
20 He pulled on his dressing gown and padded through into the sitting room .
21 Plummer got to his feet immediately and walked through into the sitting room to answer it .
22 Carson let the door swing behind him , hurrying through into the sitting room and reaching for the receiver .
23 The photographer and his wife Jane had been about to go through into the concert hall when Leeson saw Lowell standing on his own .
24 What we have in mind is instead a much smaller team which could give a national focus to the work of local or regional money management education associations , help to harmonise educational material with the needs of school curricula , spot gaps in research knowledge and seek ways of filling these , and follow its concern through into the adult world — tackling the credit information gap from both sides , by looking for ways both to spread knowledge ( for instance through the media , not forgetting — see chapter 3 — those catching the attention of women ) and to make credit use itself easier to understand .
25 But these efforts are of no eventual pedagogic value unless they can be carried through into the classroom context .
26 I went on through into the dome car where there were three more bedrooms before one came to the bar , which was furnished with tables , seating and barman .
27 She walked through into the Lancaster Room again , where Phil Aldrich was still scribbling away on the hotel 's notepaper ; and for the moment ( as Sheila stood in the doorway ) looking up with his wonted patience and nodding mildly as Janet propounded her latest views on the injustice of the tour 's latest delay .
28 He did not wait for the servants to open the doors , but just pushed through into the entrance hall , and then into the great ballroom where a score of painters and upholsterers were finishing a long night 's work during which they had transformed the ballroom into a silk-hung fantasy .
29 god was it painful , and erm , so the crown has got a filling in it now because she , to , to relieve the pressure on the abscess she had to drill right down through the crown , erm to go right through into the root area
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