Example sentences of "carried out [prep] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Investigations into the activities of this particular gang had been carried out over a very long period and they had been kept under constant surveillance by our officers who were thus able to feed us all the necessary information towards a successful interception .
2 However , our descriptive task will be more difficult , as it involves dealing with greater complexity of variation than would be the case in more focused communities , and it has to be carried out at a very fine-grained level .
3 In other words , will workers in the future be increasingly herded together in large factories or offices belonging to even larger corporations or will there be a shift towards work being carried out at a more local level within small groups , perhaps operating as independent companies , partnerships , or co-operatives ?
4 Until fairly recently , forestry has often been carried out on a very big scale , with tens of thousands of hectares being covered and public access made difficult .
5 The instances of large numbers of birds having been shot or trapped for food , or rare specimens collected , is well documented , and in Sussex was often carried out on a very considerable scale .
6 To one of those , Taddeo Ugoleto , Matthias gave the care and control of the library : ‘ Ugoleto sought out Greek codexes for the library and copying was carried out on a far greater scale than ever before .
7 This review process needs to be carried out on a fairly regular basis , perhaps every six months , and it should include looking at the current state of the market to see if there are any new developments that can be applied .
8 Lighting , heating , ventilation have all been carried out on the most approved modern principles .
9 One investigator who has put weight on the relationship with affective , rather than schizophrenic , disorder is the American psychiatrist , Andreasen , whose work , also carried out within a partly genetics context , is of particular interest here because it has mainly been concerned with writers .
10 How is a totally new , totally comprehensive valuation of capital values — something that has never before been done in England and Wales — to be carried out within the dangerously tight timetable dictated by the Government 's electoral concerns ?
11 Many databases which use SQL provide a QBE interface so that inexperienced users can formulate queries quickly ( the data definition will usually have been carried out by a more experienced user using SQL and complex queries will also use SQL ) .
12 There is considerable reported variation in the methodology and location of scanning , and the degree to which it is carried out by a formally constituted unit or units ( B.1 ) .
13 This could range in scope from a review of certain commercial aspects of the target , carried out by a suitably experienced consultant , to a full ‘ long-form ’ investigation of five years ' historical financial results .
14 This could range in scope from a review of certain commercial aspects of the target , carried out by a suitably experienced consultant , to a full ‘ long-form ’ investigation of five years ' historical financial results .
15 Using a non-brittle stone , such as jade , shaping could only be carried out by the infinitely more laborious process of grinding .
16 In an economic sense , modernity is characterized by highly rationalized industrial production , complex technological infrastructure , and a substantial degree of bureaucratized administrative and service activity [ with ] food production carried out by an increasingly small , but productive , agricultural sector .
17 It would have come , if it was to come at all , only if a well co-ordinated , centrally directed campaign of strikes , carried out by an immensely disciplined and united workforce , and backed by enough money to support the strikers for as long as necessary , could have been made to prevail against the resolute and more readily co-ordinated opposition of masters who stood to lose everything if the strikers won .
18 The truth is that aircraft accident investigation should be carried out in a completely impartial and objective manner .
19 Summat a all to be carried out in a much better spirit and both parties were pleased with the result .
20 As full analysis may take several days to complete it is very important that it be carried out in a thermally regulated laboratory .
21 A wide variety of work , from outer space to inner space , is now carried out in the newly restructured division ( PGGOS ) , including studies of solar and geomagnetic activity in the upper atmosphere , coastal and offshore geology , hydrocarbons on land and offshore , biostratigraphy , sedimentology and mineralogy , and earthquakes .
22 This evaluation will consider whether the school is now more effectively educating its students , and whether the change has been carried out in the most efficient way .
23 The connections were , of course , the Red Army : after 18 months of disastrous and brutal reforms , carried out in an overly reckless spirit because the PDPA leaders believed the Russians would always bale them out , Moscow decided in late 1979 that it had had enough .
24 On the 25th March 1993 Mr Howard updated the DoE guideline to planners thus ‘ it would be against the national interest to refuse planning permission for the extension of economic indigenous coal where the development can be carried out in an environmentally acceptable way .
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