Example sentences of "carried [adv prt] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 By the early nineteenth century three ‘ large carrying establishments ’ had made their headquarters here , of which Sutton & Co. carried on a great trade with Hull and Gainsborough , Liverpool and Manchester , the Cheshire salt works and the Potteries , and with Birmingham , Dudley and the Black Country .
2 In the intervals between his military activities Karadjordje had carried on a successful business as a livestock trader , selling pigs across the border into Austria , and he had acquired a modest level of prosperity .
3 The coffin was carried on a horse-drawn cart because it was a long time before a motor hearse became available .
4 A vote was taken on this and was carried on a decisive majority .
5 Managing Director Stuart Hyslop said the posters with slogans on issues including the poll tax , crime , health and employment are carried on a commercial cash basis and no other party has approached the company to book space .
6 Oblivious to her injuries , Thomas Duke would have carried his daughter back to their cottage in his arms , though it is conceivable that she was carried on an old door or something .
7 He has carried on the good work this term and is well on the way to establishing himself in the top 10 with 16 wins in the current campaign .
8 At about this time a hitherto unsuccessful fortune-teller living on the other side of the block chanced to glance into her scrying bowl , gave a small scream and , within the hour , had sold her jewellery , various magical accoutrements , most of her clothes and almost all her other possessions that could not be conveniently carried on the fastest horse she could buy .
9 8 information about other books published , materials , tapes , etc — often carried on the inside back cover .
10 Her successor , Margaret Moore , successfully carried on the established pattern .
11 Mrs Southey had asked Sarah to visit so they could ‘ talk over the American affair ’ , and it may by then have seemed inevitable to Sarah that she too would be carried on the Pantisocratic tide .
12 Perhaps I think it beneath my dignity to let myself be carried on the spontaneous flood , employing my divine gift of reason only to navigate on the course of greatest awareness .
14 Lowe stripped to swim , and getting on the trunk of an uprooted tree , hoped to be carried down the eddying flood to some part where he could obtain assistance .
15 As this happens , the fertilised egg is carried down the fallopian tube into the uterus .
16 Ebenezer was dimly aware that he was being carried up the narrow staircase .
17 The wounded German Officer was carried up the grassy bank and placed against a tree .
18 The outside painting was thoroughly carried out every seventh year , the two downstairs rooms — the front room and kitchen , every fourteen .
19 On July 3 the security forces successfully carried out a daring mission to remove wounded soldiers from the Fort in Jaffna town , under siege since mid-June .
20 Stemberger ( 1984 ) has carried out a recent study of lexical errors produced by normal adult native speakers of English in natural speech settings .
21 The writer had used 4 oz in 80 oz of 32 index fluid and , although I would have carried out a similar treatment as that ten years ago using saline , I consider this type of case nowadays has to be treated in a different manner , with up-to-date fluids and up-to-date knowledge — there are many first class fluids on the market today .
22 ‘ Nuclear Electric have carried out a similar study , which also showed Deferred Safestore as the best option .
23 Ask if they have carried out a similar job for someone else and whether you can contact the customer to check if the job was satisfactory .
24 It has carried out a five-year study which it says shows no significant increase in radiation is reaching the earth 's surface .
25 While all this had been going on , Steve had carried out a thorough inspection of the locomotive , had oiled up the axle boxes and attended to the brake gear .
26 And in this particular county one has only got to look to Ryedale who s I so far as I know is the only authority to have carried out a comprehensive survey of local housing needs .
27 Retired fire officer Terry Cooper has carried out a comprehensive survey of all the war memorials within a ten mile radius of York .
28 If it is suggested that you are not sufficiently flexible to adapt to the reshaped structure that is envisaged , you may be able to challenge that view if your past record shows a steady upward progression and if you have carried out a wide range of tasks without serious mishaps .
29 carried out a reasonable investigation ;
30 Serbia had carried out a partial mobilization of the JNA reserve in Serbia on Sept. 28 .
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