Example sentences of "carried [adv] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The beam carried on in a straight line , and hit the point where the bullseye ought to have been .
2 By a majority the Court of Appeal held that on the true analysis the firm had in fact been automatically dissolved ( because its continuance would have been illegal ) so soon as there was a failure to renew the practising certificate by one of its members , and that thereafter the properly qualified partners had carried on in a new partnership at will which was not prevented from recovering its costs .
3 I do not believe there is any absolute virtue in such openness , in fact , I think that education is ideally carried on in a shared form of life where there is agreement about fundamentals and attention can be concentrated on the task in hand .
4 Most of the Dialogues are about the kind of research carried on in the new laboratories which were becoming a feature of life by the 1870s .
5 At the least , the seller should agree to ensure that the business of the offeree group is carried on in the ordinary and usual course so as to maintain the same as a going concern ; and that nothing is voluntarily done or omitted which would result in a material inaccuracy in the warranties if they were repeated on , and as at , completion .
6 the Business has been carried on in the ordinary and usual course and in the same manner ( including nature and scope ) as in the past and no unusual or abnormal contract differing from the ordinary contracts necessitated by the nature of its business has been entered into ; and
7 Here had been the baroque brothels , where wenching had been carried on in the grand manner .
8 In Russia English merchants had gone some way south of Moscow , and trade was also being carried on in the Eastern Mediterranean or Levant .
9 Example 2:13 Right to display advertisement permitted by regulations The right to display in and on the demised property any advertisement permitted to be displayed without the express consent of the local planning authority by virtue of the Town and Country Planning ( Control of Advertisements ) Regulations 1992 or any modification or replacement thereof Example 2:14 Right to display advertisement in prescribed form The right to display on the front door of the demised property a name plate not exceeding in area and advertising the business carried on in the demised property and to display the name or style of that business on the name board situated in the entrance hall of the building of which the demised property forms part with letters provided by the landlord
10 The work on the atomic bomb , which had been carried on in the British Isles , was transferred , in 1943 , to the United States of America , and became known as the ‘ Manhattan Project ’ .
11 Their liberated lives could not be carried on in the child-centred suburbs .
12 One sanitary inspector reported that ‘ far from being carried on in the poorer types of dwelling , outwork was taken to supplement their resources by many people whose names one would never expect to find on an outworkers list ’ .
13 He was not involved in any way with the mining that was carried on in the surrounding area , but he was greatly affected by the frequent serious and often fatal accidents suffered by the miners through premature blasting explosions .
14 He said he just carried on in the same direction .
15 The Foreign Secretary stressed , however , that aid on its own can never ensure reform is successfully carried through in the two countries .
16 I can inform the Secretary of State straight away that there is a much more immediate cause seriously impairing ’ the ability of the Agency to deliver a proper service ’ and that is the swingeing cuts in staff numbers of up to one third in each local office that the Secretary of State has carried through in the past two years under the operational strategy .
17 A tree that goes in a chipper as a 7ft , 20lb pine comes out as a pile of fragrant mulch that can be carried away in a small box to be used in parks or gardens .
18 The muse 's intervention occurs after Astrophil appears to be carried away in a violent frenzy , unable to find a fit language to achieve his ends .
19 He 's unlikely to ever score a more crucial point , but there 's no danger of him being carried away in the general euphoria .
20 This axiomatising process was carried further in the 1920s and 1930s by Emmy Noether , the greatest of all women algebraists .
21 Taylor has been to Rome to talk to Gascoigne , whose last serious outing saw him carried off in the 1991 FA Cup final against Nottingham Forest with knee ligament damage .
22 Selection interviews are generally carried now in the early summer to permit research to start in autumn ( freeing the staff of the SOED 's Research and Intelligence Unit to concentrate on identifying and preparing next year 's round of research priorities … ) .
23 Since it is essential , not only that the glue should be heated to about 150°C. but also that there should be no appreciable gap or space in the joint , the gluing operation had , in practice , to be carried out in a heated hydraulic press .
24 For safety purposes , the servicing of petroleum carrying vehicles is carried out in a separate work area .
25 What are the advantages of implementing the control unit of a processor by microprogramming , Wilkes ( 1951 ) introduced the concept as a means by which the design and implementation of a control unit could be carried out in a Systematic and logical manner ; this advantage is a Particularly valuable one today , when uniform electronic layouts are well suited to the technology of LSI .
26 Sensitivity at the outset far outweighs a full routine of complicated strokes if they are carried out in a mechanical and impersonal manner .
27 Swannson already has a depot in Swindon but it is a condition of his O licence for that operating centre that maintenance can only be carried out in a restricted manner .
28 The situation at the moment in the field of research in homoeopathy is that much encouraging and interesting work demonstrating effects of homoeopathic potencies has been carried out in a wide variety of laboratory and clinical models .
29 During the field trial , this exploration was carried out in a conventional manner , eg by gathering background information relevant to the client organisation , by becoming familiar with the physical layout of the offices involved , and by interviewing a representative sample of staff from both departments and from the central support unit .
30 Now it has been decided that men , with all their brow-mopping and weeping , are simply invading the seminal female experience , which should really be carried out in a darkened sweat lodge with only women as company .
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