Example sentences of "responsibility for [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Notts & Derbyshire branch has taken responsibility for publishing the region 's CPD Newsletter .
2 Special thanks were due to Chris Markham who had had overall responsibility for organising the day and her band of very efficient and hard-working helpers .
3 She was involved in planning the activities with the advisory teacher and took on full responsibility for organising the equipment for each session .
4 The responsibility for organising the training and co-ordination of ministries , including that of musicians , is likely to fall upon the clergy .
5 Miss Schuett has been hired to travel with Capriati throughout the summer , with a particular responsibility for helping the teenager shed some puppy fat before it becomes a lasting problem .
6 The parents assumed responsibility for helping the plaintiff to eat her midday and evening meals .
7 It then takes over the responsibility for verifying the design activity against activities and components already undertaken and designed .
8 J R Hall ( Points of View , 12 February ) is right to suggest that British Rail would be able to make a profit if the Government took full responsibility for funding the provision and maintenance of railway infrastructure as it does roads .
9 Whilst the pure search work may be sub-contracted to other specialist departments , MAS should have principal responsibility for monitoring the progress of the search process ( particularly ensuring that time is not being spent researching targets outside the purchaser 's price range ) and drawing together all the findings .
10 The Group Occupational Hygienist has responsibility for monitoring the environment and policing systems to comply with the policy objectives .
11 Pageant-masters were elected with responsibility for commissioning the script , recruiting actors , providing costumes and preparing the wagons on which the play was performed .
12 However , a provincial offical says privately that it merely outlines ‘ the need for commonality on such elements as income replacement and survivors ’ benefits but leaves to each province responsibility for determining the level of compensation ’ .
13 The responsibility for determining the source of most public services rests exclusively with parliament .
14 He always understood that the papal decree imposed on himself an absolute personal obligation of obedience , but it did not give him a general responsibility for promoting the principle , or for enforcing the obedience of others .
15 The first requirement is to identify staff with specific responsibility for promoting the organisation 's image throughout the community .
16 Attracting people to apply for posts in an organisation requires more than placing appealing advertisements in local news.papers , although that also is important , It requires the involvement of more than one or two members of staff with a responsibility for promoting the image of nursing .
17 Both involve a common currency circulating throughout the union and both require the establishment of a union monetary authority with responsibility for issuing the union 's currency .
18 In line with the recommended structure a Supervisory Board would be created , which would have responsibility for advising the Home Secretary on strategic and resource questions affecting the service .
19 Giles 's proposal to make them subservient to government agents was rejected , but they were given some responsibility for supervising the work of both the regular police and the headmen , who were now designated the ‘ rural police ’ .
20 It also has the responsibility for controlling the money supply , which largely consists of bank deposits .
21 Many experiments were done to decide who should have responsibility for controlling the sound ; but eventually it all came down to the engineers , assisted by meters and ( most important of all ) a keen musical sense .
22 According to Brazilian law the responsibility for controlling the sale and the use of mercury lies with the national institute for the environment , IBAMA and in theory these controls are very strict , all importers and dealers are supposed to be registered , and the use of mercury in any process and in whatever quantity , how ever small , requires an official permit .
23 Responsibility for taking the decision to imprison a person before trial is shared between the police , Crown Prosecution Service and the courts .
24 The Leicestershire and Rutland Trust for Nature Conservation were given overall responsibility for creating the reserve — and did not shirk the task .
25 It is our hope that the Department of Social Security will move in keeping with the findings of the all party parliamentary select committee on social security to correct this underfunding before the responsibility for meeting the cost of residential care in the community is transferred from the D S S to local authorities a year from now .
26 NCP were informed in January , of this year , by the Director of Property Services , that responsibility for repairing the car park was NCP 's , not the council 's . ’
27 If the issuer is not incorporated in any of the member states where the securities are to be listed , the issuer must decide which of those member states is to have responsibility for approving the listing particulars ; it must then draw up the listing particulars in accordance with the laws of that member state .
28 Will the right hon. Gentleman now , even at this late stage , intervene to try to stop the closure , bearing in mind the Government 's responsibility for privatising the steel industry , thereby allowing a butcher such as Bob Scholey to betray the Scottish steel workers ?
29 The UN Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group ( UNIIMOG ) , with responsibility for maintaining the truce , reported on March 8 , 1989 , that five Iranian soldiers had been shot in the back and killed in an ambush on Feb. 17 , although it did not confirm an Iranian claim that the ambush had been carried out by Iraqi forces .
30 The economy 's heavy reliance on trade combined with government responsibility for maintaining the value of sterling , made the balance of payments a central issue of the political economy of the period [ Beckerman , 1972 ; Dornbusch and Fisher , 1980 ] .
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